@ -19,116 +19,118 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Marlin.h"
#include "MarlinConfig.h"
#include "Marlin.h"
#include "UBL.h"
#include "planner.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <math.h>
extern void set_current_to_destination();
extern bool G26_Debug_flag;
void debug_current_and_destination(char *title);
void wait_for_button_press();
void UBL_line_to_destination(const float &x_end, const float &y_end, const float &z_end, const float &e_end, const float &feed_rate, uint8_t extruder) {
int cell_start_xi, cell_start_yi, cell_dest_xi, cell_dest_yi;
int left_flag, down_flag;
int current_xi, current_yi;
int dxi, dyi, xi_cnt, yi_cnt;
bool use_X_dist, inf_normalized_flag, inf_m_flag;
float x_start, y_start;
float x, y, z1, z2, z0 /*, z_optimized */;
float next_mesh_line_x, next_mesh_line_y, a0ma1diva2ma1;
float on_axis_distance, e_normalized_dist, e_position, e_start, z_normalized_dist, z_position, z_start;
float dx, dy, adx, ady, m, c;
// Much of the nozzle movement will be within the same cell. So we will do as little computation
// as possible to determine if this is the case. If this move is within the same cell, we will
// just do the required Z-Height correction, call the Planner's buffer_line() routine, and leave
extern void debug_current_and_destination(char *title);
void ubl_line_to_destination(const float &x_end, const float &y_end, const float &z_end, const float &e_end, const float &feed_rate, uint8_t extruder) {
int cell_start_xi, cell_start_yi, cell_dest_xi, cell_dest_yi,
current_xi, current_yi,
dxi, dyi, xi_cnt, yi_cnt;
float x_start, y_start,
x, y, z1, z2, z0 /*, z_optimized */,
next_mesh_line_x, next_mesh_line_y, a0ma1diva2ma1,
on_axis_distance, e_normalized_dist, e_position, e_start, z_normalized_dist, z_position, z_start,
dx, dy, adx, ady, m, c;
* Much of the nozzle movement will be within the same cell. So we will do as little computation
* as possible to determine if this is the case. If this move is within the same cell, we will
* just do the required Z-Height correction, call the Planner's buffer_line() routine, and leave
x_start = current_position[X_AXIS];
y_start = current_position[Y_AXIS];
z_start = current_position[Z_AXIS];
e_start = current_position[E_AXIS];
cell_start_xi = blm.get_cell_index_x(x_start);
cell_start_yi = blm.get_cell_index_y(y_start);
cell_dest_xi = blm.get_cell_index_x(x_end);
cell_dest_yi = blm.get_cell_index_y(y_end);
cell_start_xi = ubl.get_cell_index_x(x_start);
cell_start_yi = ubl.get_cell_index_y(y_start);
cell_dest_xi = ubl.get_cell_index_x(x_end);
cell_dest_yi = ubl.get_cell_index_y(y_end);
if (G26_Debug_flag!=0) {
SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" UBL_line_to_destination(xe=");
if (g26_debug_flag) {
SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" ubl_line_to_destination(xe=");
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "Start of UBL_line_to_destination()");
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"Start of ubl_line_to_destination()");
if ((cell_start_xi == cell_dest_xi) && (cell_start_yi == cell_dest_yi)) { // if the whole move is within the same cell,
// we don't need to break up the move
// If we are moving off the print bed, we are going to allow the move at this level.
// But we detect it and isolate it. For now, we just pass along the request.
if (cell_start_xi == cell_dest_xi && cell_start_yi == cell_dest_yi) { // if the whole move is within the same cell,
* we don't need to break up the move
* If we are moving off the print bed, we are going to allow the move at this level.
* But we detect it and isolate it. For now, we just pass along the request.
if (cell_dest_xi<0 || cell_dest_yi<0 || cell_dest_xi >= UBL_MESH_NUM_X_POINTS || cell_dest_yi >= UBL_MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS) {
if (cell_dest_xi < 0 || cell_dest_yi < 0 || cell_dest_xi >= UBL_MESH_NUM_X_POINTS || cell_dest_yi >= UBL_MESH_NUM_Y_POINTS) {
// Note: There is no Z Correction in this case. We are off the grid and don't know what
// a reasonable correction would be.
planner.buffer_line(x_end, y_end, z_end + blm.state.z_offset, e_end, feed_rate, extruder);
planner.buffer_line(x_end, y_end, z_end + ubl.state.z_offset, e_end, feed_rate, extruder);
if (G26_Debug_flag!=0) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "out of bounds in UBL_line_to_destination()");
if (g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"out of bounds in ubl_line_to_destination()");
// we can optimize some floating point operations here. We could call float get_z_correction(float x0, float y0) to
// generate the correction for us. But we can lighten the load on the CPU by doing a modified version of the function.
// We are going to only calculate the amount we are from the first mesh line towards the second mesh line once.
// We will use this fraction in both of the original two Z Height calculations for the bi-linear interpolation. And,
// instead of doing a generic divide of the distance, we know the distance is MESH_X_DIST so we can use the preprocessor
// to create a 1-over number for us. That will allow us to do a floating point multiply instead of a floating point divide.
a0ma1diva2ma1 = (x_end - mesh_index_to_X_location[cell_dest_xi]) * (float) (1.0 / MESH_X_DIST);
z1 = z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi] +
(z_values[cell_dest_xi + 1][cell_dest_yi] - z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi]) * a0ma1diva2ma1;
* Optimize some floating point operations here. We could call float get_z_correction(float x0, float y0) to
* generate the correction for us. But we can lighten the load on the CPU by doing a modified version of the function.
* We are going to only calculate the amount we are from the first mesh line towards the second mesh line once.
* We will use this fraction in both of the original two Z Height calculations for the bi-linear interpolation. And,
* instead of doing a generic divide of the distance, we know the distance is MESH_X_DIST so we can use the preprocessor
* to create a 1-over number for us. That will allow us to do a floating point multiply instead of a floating point divide.
a0ma1diva2ma1 = (x_end - mesh_index_to_x_location[cell_dest_xi]) * 0.1 * (MESH_X_DIST);
z1 = z_values[cell_dest_xi ][cell_dest_yi ] + a0ma1diva2ma1 *
(z_values[cell_dest_xi + 1][cell_dest_yi ] - z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi ]);
z2 = z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi+1] +
(z_values[cell_dest_xi+1][cell_dest_yi+1] - z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi+1]) * a0ma1diva2ma1;
z2 = z_values[cell_dest_xi ][cell_dest_yi + 1] + a0ma1diva2ma1 *
(z_values[cell_dest_xi + 1][cell_dest_yi + 1] - z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi + 1]);
// we are done with the fractional X distance into the cell. Now with the two Z-Heights we have calculated, we
// are going to apply the Y-Distance into the cell to interpolate the final Z correction.
a0ma1diva2ma1 = (y_end - mesh_index_to_Y_location[cell_dest_yi]) * (float) (1.0 / MESH_Y_DIST);
a0ma1diva2ma1 = (y_end - mesh_index_to_y_location[cell_dest_yi]) * 0.1 * (MESH_Y_DIST);
z0 = z1 + (z2 - z1) * a0ma1diva2ma1;
// debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
// that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
* Debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
* that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z_optimized = z0;
z0 = blm.get_z_correction( x_end, y_end);
if ( fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized) ) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "FINAL_MOVE: z_correction()");
if ( isnan(z0) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if ( isnan(z_optimized) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction( x_end, y_end);
if (fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized)) {
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"FINAL_MOVE: z_correction()");
if (isnan(z0)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if (isnan(z_optimized)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" x_end=", x_end);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" y_end=", y_end);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" z0=", z0);
@ -136,40 +138,42 @@
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" err=",fabs(z_optimized - z0));
z0 = z0 * ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(z_end);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
z0 = z0 * blm.fade_scaling_factor_for_Z( z_end );
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
if (isnan(z0)) { // if part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
z0 = 0.0; // in z_values[][] and propagate through the
// calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
// because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
// information we need to complete the height correction.
planner.buffer_line(x_end, y_end, z_end + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_end, feed_rate, extruder);
if (g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"FINAL_MOVE in ubl_line_to_destination()");
planner.buffer_line(x_end, y_end, z_end + z0 + blm.state.z_offset, e_end, feed_rate, extruder);
if (G26_Debug_flag!=0) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "FINAL_MOVE in UBL_line_to_destination()");
// If we get here, we are processing a move that crosses at least one Mesh Line. We will check
// for the simple case of just crossing X or just crossing Y Mesh Lines after we get all the details
// of the move figured out. We can process the easy case of just crossing an X or Y Mesh Line with less
// computation and in fact most lines are of this nature. We will check for that in the following
// blocks of code:
left_flag = 0;
down_flag = 0;
inf_m_flag = false;
inf_normalized_flag = false;
* If we get here, we are processing a move that crosses at least one Mesh Line. We will check
* for the simple case of just crossing X or just crossing Y Mesh Lines after we get all the details
* of the move figured out. We can process the easy case of just crossing an X or Y Mesh Line with less
* computation and in fact most lines are of this nature. We will check for that in the following
* blocks of code:
dx = x_end - x_start;
dy = y_end - y_start;
if (dx<0.0) { // figure out which way we need to move to get to the next cell
const int left_flag = dx < 0.0 ? 1 : 0,
down_flag = dy < 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
if (left_flag) { // figure out which way we need to move to get to the next cell
dxi = -1;
adx = -dx; // absolute value of dx. We already need to check if dx and dy are negative.
@ -177,7 +181,7 @@
dxi = 1; // to save setting up the abs() function call and actually doing the call.
adx = dx;
if (dy<0.0) {
if (dy < 0.0) {
dyi = -1;
ady = -dy; // absolute value of dy
@ -186,75 +190,68 @@
ady = dy;
if (dx<0.0) left_flag = 1;
if (dy<0.0) down_flag = 1;
if (cell_start_xi == cell_dest_xi) dxi = 0;
if (cell_start_yi == cell_dest_yi) dyi = 0;
// Compute the scaling factor for the extruder for each partial move.
// We need to watch out for zero length moves because it will cause us to
// have an infinate scaling factor. We are stuck doing a floating point
// divide to get our scaling factor, but after that, we just multiply by this
// number. We also pick our scaling factor based on whether the X or Y
// component is larger. We use the biggest of the two to preserve precision.
if ( adx > ady ) {
use_X_dist = true;
on_axis_distance = x_end-x_start;
else {
use_X_dist = false;
on_axis_distance = y_end-y_start;
* Compute the scaling factor for the extruder for each partial move.
* We need to watch out for zero length moves because it will cause us to
* have an infinate scaling factor. We are stuck doing a floating point
* divide to get our scaling factor, but after that, we just multiply by this
* number. We also pick our scaling factor based on whether the X or Y
* component is larger. We use the biggest of the two to preserve precision.
const bool use_x_dist = adx > ady;
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x_end - x_start : y_end - y_start;
e_position = e_end - e_start;
e_normalized_dist = e_position / on_axis_distance;
z_position = z_end - z_start;
z_normalized_dist = z_position / on_axis_distance;
if (e_normalized_dist==INFINITY || e_normalized_dist==-INFINITY) {
inf_normalized_flag = true;
const bool inf_normalized_flag = e_normalized_dist == INFINITY || e_normalized_dist == -INFINITY;
current_xi = cell_start_xi;
current_yi = cell_start_yi;
m = dy / dx;
c = y_start - m*x_start;
if (m == INFINITY || m == -INFINITY) {
inf_m_flag = true;
// This block handles vertical lines. These are lines that stay within the same
// X Cell column. They do not need to be perfectly vertical. They just can
// not cross into another X Cell column.
c = y_start - m * x_start;
const bool inf_m_flag = (m == INFINITY || m == -INFINITY);
* This block handles vertical lines. These are lines that stay within the same
* X Cell column. They do not need to be perfectly vertical. They just can
* not cross into another X Cell column.
if (dxi == 0) { // Check for a vertical line
current_yi += down_flag; // Line is heading down, we just want to go to the bottom
while (current_yi != cell_dest_yi + down_flag) {
current_yi += dyi;
next_mesh_line_y = mesh_index_to_Y_location[current_yi];
if (inf_m_flag) {
x = x_start; // if the slope of the line is infinite, we won't do the calculations
// we know the next X is the same so we can recover and continue!
else {
x = (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
next_mesh_line_y = mesh_index_to_y_location[current_yi];
z0 = blm.get_z_correction_along_horizontal_mesh_line_at_specific_X(x, current_xi, current_yi);
* inf_m_flag? the slope of the line is infinite, we won't do the calculations
* else, we know the next X is the same so we can recover and continue!
* Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
x = inf_m_flag ? x_start : (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m;
// debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
// that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction_along_horizontal_mesh_line_at_specific_X(x, current_xi, current_yi);
* Debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
* that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z_optimized = z0;
z0 = blm.get_z_correction( x, next_mesh_line_y);
if ( fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized) ) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "VERTICAL z_correction()");
if ( isnan(z0) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if ( isnan(z_optimized) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction( x, next_mesh_line_y);
if (fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized)) {
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"VERTICAL z_correction()");
if (isnan(z0)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if (isnan(z_optimized)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" next_mesh_line_y=", next_mesh_line_y);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" z0=", z0);
@ -262,24 +259,29 @@
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" err=",fabs(z_optimized-z0));
z0 = z0 * ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(z_end);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
z0 = z0 * blm.fade_scaling_factor_for_Z( z_end );
y = mesh_index_to_y_location[current_yi];
if (isnan(z0)) { // if part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
z0 = 0.0; // in z_values[][] and propagate through the
// calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
// because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
// information we need to complete the height correction.
y = mesh_index_to_Y_location[current_yi];
// Without this check, it is possible for the algorythm to generate a zero length move in the case
// where the line is heading down and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often that
// happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
// the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if ( y!=y_start) {
if ( inf_normalized_flag == false ) {
* Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
* where the line is heading down and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often that
* happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
* the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if (y != y_start) {
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = y - y_start; // we don't need to check if the extruder position
e_position = e_start + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist; // is based on X or Y because this is a vertical move
z_position = z_start + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@ -289,49 +291,52 @@
z_position = z_start;
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + blm.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
} //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED ");
if (g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"vertical move done in ubl_line_to_destination()");
// Check if we are at the final destination. Usually, we won't be, but if it is on a Y Mesh Line, we are done.
if (G26_Debug_flag!=0) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "vertical move done in UBL_line_to_destination()");
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != x_end || current_position[Y_AXIS] != y_end) {
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != x_end || current_position[Y_AXIS] != y_end)
// This block handles horizontal lines. These are lines that stay within the same
// Y Cell row. They do not need to be perfectly horizontal. They just can
// not cross into another Y Cell row.
* This block handles horizontal lines. These are lines that stay within the same
* Y Cell row. They do not need to be perfectly horizontal. They just can
* not cross into another Y Cell row.
if (dyi == 0) { // Check for a horiziontal line
if (dyi == 0) { // Check for a horizontal line
current_xi += left_flag; // Line is heading left, we just want to go to the left
// edge of this cell for the first move.
while (current_xi != cell_dest_xi + left_flag) {
current_xi += dxi;
next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_X_location[current_xi];
next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_x_location[current_xi];
y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
z0 = blm.get_z_correction_along_vertical_mesh_line_at_specific_Y(y, current_xi, current_yi);
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction_along_vertical_mesh_line_at_specific_Y(y, current_xi, current_yi);
// debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
// that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
* Debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
* that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z_optimized = z0;
z0 = blm.get_z_correction( next_mesh_line_x, y);
if ( fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized) ) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "HORIZONTAL z_correction()");
if ( isnan(z0) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if ( isnan(z_optimized) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction( next_mesh_line_x, y);
if (fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized)) {
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"HORIZONTAL z_correction()");
if (isnan(z0)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if (isnan(z_optimized)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" next_mesh_line_x=", next_mesh_line_x);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" z0=", z0);
@ -339,24 +344,29 @@
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" err=",fabs(z_optimized-z0));
z0 = z0 * ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(z_end);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
z0 = z0 * blm.fade_scaling_factor_for_Z( z_end );
x = mesh_index_to_x_location[current_xi];
if (isnan(z0)) { // if part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
z0 = 0.0; // in z_values[][] and propagate through the
// calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
// because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
// information we need to complete the height correction.
x = mesh_index_to_X_location[current_xi];
// Without this check, it is possible for the algorythm to generate a zero length move in the case
// where the line is heading left and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often
// that happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
// the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if ( x!=x_start) {
if ( inf_normalized_flag == false ) {
* Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
* where the line is heading left and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often
* that happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
* the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if (x != x_start) {
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = x - x_start; // we don't need to check if the extruder position
e_position = e_start + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist; // is based on X or Y because this is a horizontal move
z_position = z_start + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@ -366,74 +376,63 @@
z_position = z_start;
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + blm.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
} //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED ");
if (G26_Debug_flag!=0) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "horizontal move done in UBL_line_to_destination()");
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != x_end || current_position[Y_AXIS] != y_end) {
if (g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"horizontal move done in ubl_line_to_destination()");
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != x_end || current_position[Y_AXIS] != y_end)
// This block handles the generic case of a line crossing both X and Y
// Mesh lines.
* This block handles the generic case of a line crossing both X and Y Mesh lines.
xi_cnt = cell_start_xi - cell_dest_xi;
if ( xi_cnt < 0 ) {
xi_cnt = -xi_cnt;
if (xi_cnt < 0) xi_cnt = -xi_cnt;
yi_cnt = cell_start_yi - cell_dest_yi;
if ( yi_cnt < 0 ) {
yi_cnt = -yi_cnt;
if (yi_cnt < 0) yi_cnt = -yi_cnt;
current_xi += left_flag;
current_yi += down_flag;
while ( xi_cnt>0 || yi_cnt>0 ) {
while (xi_cnt > 0 || yi_cnt > 0) {
next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_X_location[current_xi + dxi];
next_mesh_line_y = mesh_index_to_Y_location[current_yi + dyi];
next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_x_location[current_xi + dxi];
next_mesh_line_y = mesh_index_to_y_location[current_yi + dyi];
y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c; // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
x = (next_mesh_line_y-c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line (we don't have to worry
x = (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line (we don't have to worry
// about m being equal to 0.0 If this was the case, we would have
// detected this as a vertical line move up above and we wouldn't
// be down here doing a generic type of move.
if ((left_flag && (x>next_mesh_line_x)) || (!left_flag && (x<next_mesh_line_x))) { // Check if we hit the Y line first
if (left_flag == (x > next_mesh_line_x)) { // Check if we hit the Y line first
// Yes! Crossing a Y Mesh Line next
z0 = blm.get_z_correction_along_horizontal_mesh_line_at_specific_X(x, current_xi-left_flag, current_yi+dyi);
// debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
// that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction_along_horizontal_mesh_line_at_specific_X(x, current_xi - left_flag, current_yi + dyi);
* Debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
* that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z_optimized = z0;
z0 = blm.get_z_correction( x, next_mesh_line_y);
if ( fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized) ) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "General_1: z_correction()");
if ( isnan(z0) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if ( isnan(z_optimized) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN "); {
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction( x, next_mesh_line_y);
if (fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized)) {
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"General_1: z_correction()");
if (isnan(z0)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if (isnan(z_optimized)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN "); {
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" next_mesh_line_y=", next_mesh_line_y);
@ -442,23 +441,21 @@
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" err=",fabs(z_optimized-z0));
z0 = z0 * blm.fade_scaling_factor_for_Z( z_end );
if (isnan(z0)) { // if part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
z0 = 0.0; // in z_values[][] and propagate through the
// calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
// because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
// information we need to complete the height correction.
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(z_end);
if ( inf_normalized_flag == false ) {
if ( use_X_dist ) {
on_axis_distance = x - x_start;
else {
on_axis_distance = next_mesh_line_y - y_start;
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - x_start : next_mesh_line_y - y_start;
e_position = e_start + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
z_position = z_start + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@ -466,7 +463,7 @@
e_position = e_start;
z_position = z_start;
planner.buffer_line(x, next_mesh_line_y, z_position + z0 + blm.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
planner.buffer_line(x, next_mesh_line_y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
current_yi += dyi;
@ -474,20 +471,19 @@
// Yes! Crossing a X Mesh Line next
z0 = blm.get_z_correction_along_vertical_mesh_line_at_specific_Y(y, current_xi+dxi, current_yi-down_flag);
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction_along_vertical_mesh_line_at_specific_Y(y, current_xi + dxi, current_yi - down_flag);
// debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
// that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
* Debug code to use non-optimized get_z_correction() and to do a sanity check
* that the correct value is being passed to planner.buffer_line()
z_optimized = z0;
z0 = blm.get_z_correction( next_mesh_line_x, y);
if ( fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized) ) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "General_2: z_correction()");
if ( isnan(z0) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if ( isnan(z_optimized) ) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
z0 = ubl.get_z_correction( next_mesh_line_x, y);
if (fabs(z_optimized - z0) > .01 || isnan(z0) || isnan(z_optimized)) {
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"General_2: z_correction()");
if (isnan(z0)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z0==NAN ");
if (isnan(z_optimized)) SERIAL_ECHO(" z_optimized==NAN ");
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" next_mesh_line_x=", next_mesh_line_x);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" z0=", z0);
@ -495,23 +491,21 @@
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" err=",fabs(z_optimized-z0));
z0 = z0 * blm.fade_scaling_factor_for_Z( z_end );
z0 = z0 * ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(z_end);
if (isnan(z0)) { // if part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
z0 = 0.0; // in z_values[][] and propagate through the
// calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
// because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
// information we need to complete the height correction.
if ( inf_normalized_flag == false ) {
if ( use_X_dist ) {
on_axis_distance = next_mesh_line_x - x_start;
else {
on_axis_distance = y - y_start;
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - x_start : y - y_start;
e_position = e_start + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
z_position = z_start + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@ -520,34 +514,19 @@
z_position = z_start;
planner.buffer_line(next_mesh_line_x, y, z_position + z0 + blm.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
planner.buffer_line(next_mesh_line_x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
current_xi += dxi;
if (G26_Debug_flag) {
debug_current_and_destination( (char *) "generic move done in UBL_line_to_destination()");
if (current_position[0] != x_end || current_position[1] != y_end) {
void wait_for_button_press() {
// if ( !been_to_2_6 )
//return; // bob - I think this should be commented out
if (g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination((char*)"generic move done in ubl_line_to_destination()");
SET_INPUT_PULLUP(66); // Roxy's Left Switch is on pin 66. Right Switch is on pin 65
while (READ(66) & 0x01) idle();
if (current_position[0] != x_end || current_position[1] != y_end)
while (!(READ(66) & 0x01)) idle();