/* Microstepping pins (reverse engineered at V1.4 - due to closed source schematics)
// Some new batches have the HR4982 (Heroic) instead of the A4982 (Allegro) as stepper driver. While most of the functionality is similar, the HR variant obviously doesn't work with diode smoothers (no fast decay)
// But the Heroic has a 128 µStepping mode where the A4982 is doing quarter steps (MS1=L / MS2=H). To achieve comfortable tests with the M350/M351 commands, the following definitions have to made:
// Example: M350 X4 Y4 ; Set X and Y Axis to quarterstep Mode to achieve MS1=0 and MS2=1
// A new board with a HR4982 will now perform 128 µSteps per Fullstep
// XSTEP,YSTEP ... must be adapted with M92 accordingly (128/16 => multiply by factor 8).