@ -594,17 +594,20 @@ float probe_pt(const float &rx, const float &ry, const bool stow, const uint8_t
: !position_is_reachable_by_probe(rx, ry)
) return NAN;
const float old_feedrate_mm_s = feedrate_mm_s;
const float nz =
if (current_position[Z_AXIS] > delta_clip_start_height)
// Move below clip height or xy move will be aborted by do_blocking_move_to
min(current_position[Z_AXIS], delta_clip_start_height)
const float old_feedrate_mm_s = feedrate_mm_s;
feedrate_mm_s = XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE_MM_S;
// Move the probe to the given XY
do_blocking_move_to_xy(nx, ny);
// Move the probe to the starting XYZ
do_blocking_move_to(nx, ny, nz);
float measured_z = NAN;
if (!DEPLOY_PROBE()) {