#define PS_ON_PIN 10// Set to -1 if using a manual switch on the PWRSW Connector
#define SLEEP_WAKE_PIN 26// This feature still needs work
#define PS_ON_PIN 10 // Set to -1 if using a manual switch on the PWRSW Connector
#define SLEEP_WAKE_PIN 26 // This feature still needs work
// LCD / Controller
#define BEEPER_PIN 36
#define BEEPER_PIN 36
#define SDSS 53
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 28
#define SDSS 53
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 28
#define BTN_EN1 14
#define BTN_EN2 39
#define BTN_ENC 15
#define BTN_EN1 14
#define BTN_EN2 39
#define BTN_ENC 15
// variables for which pins the TLC5947 is using
#define TLC_CLOCK_PIN 25
#define TLC_BLANK_PIN 23
#define TLC_XLAT_PIN 22
#define TLC_DATA_PIN 24
#define TLC_CLOCK_PIN 25
#define TLC_BLANK_PIN 23
#define TLC_XLAT_PIN 22
#define TLC_DATA_PIN 24
// We also need to define pin to port number mapping for the 2560 to match the pins listed above.
// If you change the TLC pins, update this as well per the 2560 datasheet! This currently only works with the RA Board.
#define TLC_CLOCK_BIT 3
#define TLC_CLOCK_BIT 3
#define TLC_BLANK_BIT 1
#define TLC_BLANK_BIT 1
#define TLC_DATA_BIT 2
#define TLC_DATA_BIT 2
#define TLC_XLAT_BIT 0
#define TLC_XLAT_BIT 0
// Change this to match your situation. Lots of TLCs takes up the arduino SRAM very quickly, so be careful
// Leave it at at least 1 if you have enabled RA_LIGHTING
// The number of TLC5947 boards chained together for use with the animation, additional ones will repeat the animation on them, but are not individually addressable and mimic those before them. You can leave the default at 2 even if you only have 1 TLC5947 module.
#define NUM_TLCS 2
#define NUM_TLCS 2
// These TRANS_ARRAY values let you change the order the LEDs on the lighting modules will animate for chase functions.
// Modify them according to your specific situation.
#define TEMP_0_PIN 6 // Analog Input (connector *K1* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used)
#define TEMP_0_PIN 6// Analog Input (connector *K1* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used)
#define TEMP_0_PIN 15// Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T0* on rumba board is used)
#define TEMP_0_PIN 15 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T0* on rumba board is used)
#ifndef TEMP_1_PIN
#if TEMP_SENSOR_1 == -1
#define TEMP_1_PIN 5 // Analog Input (connector *K2* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used)
#define TEMP_1_PIN 5// Analog Input (connector *K2* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used)
#define TEMP_1_PIN 14// Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T1* on rumba board is used)
#define TEMP_1_PIN 14 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T1* on rumba board is used)
#if TEMP_SENSOR_2 == -1
#define TEMP_2_PIN 7 // Analog Input (connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can't be used when TEMP_SENSOR_BED is defined as thermocouple)
#define TEMP_2_PIN 7// Analog Input (connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can't be used when TEMP_SENSOR_BED is defined as thermocouple)
#define TEMP_2_PIN 13// Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T2* on rumba board is used)
#define TEMP_2_PIN 13 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T2* on rumba board is used)
// Optional for extruder 4 or chamber:
//#define TEMP_X_PIN 12 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T3* on rumba board is used)
//#define TEMP_X_PIN 12 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T3* on rumba board is used)
//#define TEMP_CHAMBER_PIN 12 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T3* on rumba board is used)
//#define TEMP_CHAMBER_PIN 12 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *T3* on rumba board is used)
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 7 // Analog Input (connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can't be used when TEMP_SENSOR_2 is defined as thermocouple)
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 7// Analog Input (connector *K3* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used <-- this can't be used when TEMP_SENSOR_2 is defined as thermocouple)
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 11// Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *THB* on rumba board is used)
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 11 // Analog Input (default connector for thermistor *THB* on rumba board is used)
// Heaters / Fans
#define HEATER_0_PIN 2
#define HEATER_1_PIN 3
#define HEATER_2_PIN 6
#define HEATER_3_PIN 8
#define HEATER_BED_PIN 9
#define HEATER_0_PIN 2
#define HEATER_1_PIN 3
#define HEATER_2_PIN 6
#define HEATER_3_PIN 8
#define HEATER_BED_PIN 9
#ifndef FAN_PIN
#define FAN_PIN 7
#define FAN_PIN 7
#ifndef FAN1_PIN
#define FAN1_PIN 8
#define FAN1_PIN 8
// Misc. Functions
#define LED_PIN 13
#define PS_ON_PIN 45
#define KILL_PIN 46
#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 45
#define LED_PIN 13
#define PS_ON_PIN 45
#define KILL_PIN 46
#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 45
// M3/M4/M5 - Spindle/Laser Control
#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN 4 // Hardware PWM. Pin 4 interrupts OC0* and OC1* always in use?
#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN 4// Hardware PWM. Pin 4 interrupts OC0* and OC1* always in use?
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN 14// Pullup!
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN 14 // Pullup!
#define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN 15
#define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN 15
// LCD / Controller
#if EITHER(MKS_12864OLED, MKS_12864OLED_SSD1306)
#define LCD_PINS_DC 38// Set as output on init
#define LCD_PINS_RS 41// Pull low for 1s to init
#define LCD_PINS_DC 38 // Set as output on init
#define LCD_PINS_RS 41 // Pull low for 1s to init
// DOGM SPI LCD Support
#define DOGLCD_CS 19
#define DOGLCD_MOSI 42
#define DOGLCD_SCK 18
#define DOGLCD_CS 19
#define DOGLCD_MOSI 42
#define DOGLCD_SCK 18
#define DOGLCD_CS 42
#define DOGLCD_A0 19
#define DOGLCD_MOSI 51
#define DOGLCD_SCK 52
#define DOGLCD_CS 42
#define DOGLCD_A0 19
#define DOGLCD_MOSI 51
#define DOGLCD_SCK 52
//#define FORCE_SOFT_SPI // Use this if default of hardware SPI causes display problems