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Studijní plán pro školní rok 2011/2012

+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Předmě | [pre | pt; text-align: | [závě | | t]{style="font- | z]{style="font- | right; line-he | r]{style="font- | | size: 12pt;"} | size: 12pt;"} | ight: normal;"} | size: 12pt;"} | | ::: | ::: | [dist | ::: | | | | .]{style="font- | | | | | size: 12pt;"} | | | | | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | | [1. |   |   |   | | semest | ::: | ::: | ::: | | r]{style="font- | | | | | size: 12pt;"} | | | | | ::: | | | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; 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line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Počítačová | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | graf | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | ika]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [12]{style="fon | [10]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Lokální | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | počítačové | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | s | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | ítě]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Technické | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | vybavení | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | počít | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | ačů]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | [6]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Databázové a | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | informační | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | syst | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | émy]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Algoritmizace | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z]{style="fon | | a | right; line-he | right; line-he | t-size: 12pt;"} | | programov | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ::: | | ání]{style="fon | [14]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Tvorba WWW | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | aplik | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | ací]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [14]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | | [2. |   |   |   | | semest | ::: | ::: | ::: | | r]{style="font- | | | | | size: 12pt;"} | | | | | ::: | | | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Vývoj aplikací | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | v objektovém | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | prostř | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | edí]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Praktikum z | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [KZ]{style="fon | | grafického | right; line-he | right; line-he | t-size: 12pt;"} | | softw | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ::: | | aru]{style="fon | [10]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Multimediální | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | syst | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | émy]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [10]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Administrace | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | operačních | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | syst | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | émů]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | [6]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Didaktika ICT | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z]{style="fon | | 01]{style="fon | right; line-he | right; line-he | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ::: | | ::: | [12]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Edukační | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | technolo | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | gie]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [12]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Autorské | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | systémy a | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | prostř | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | edí]{style="fon | [12]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | | [3. |   |   |   | | semest | ::: | ::: | ::: | | r]{style="font- | | | | | size: 12pt;"} | | | | | ::: | | | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Didaktika ICT | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | 02]{style="fon | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | t-size: 12pt;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | ::: | [12]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [ICT ve | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | vzděláv | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | ání]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [8]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [E-learning ve | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | vzděláv | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | ání]{style="fon | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | t-size: 12pt;"} | [8]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | ::: | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Praxe a | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z]{style="fon | | didaktika ICT | right; line-he | right; line-he | t-size: 12pt;"} | | 03 s reflexí | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ::: | | pr | [10]{style="fon | [20]{style="fon | | | axe]{style="fon | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | ::: | ::: | | | ::: | | | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Propedeutické | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | programovací | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | jaz | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | yky]{style="fon | [16]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Didaktický | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z, | | software a | right; line-he | right; line-he | Zk]{style="fon | | informační | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | zdr | [8]{style="fon | [8]{style="fon | ::: | | oje]{style="fon | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | ::: | ::: | | | ::: | | | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Seminář k | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: | [Z]{style="fon | | závěrečné | right; line-he | right; line-he | t-size: 12pt;"} | | pr | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | ::: | | áci]{style="fon | [2]{style="fon | [2]{style="fon | | | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | t-size: 12pt;"} | | | ::: | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | ::: {style="ma | :: | :: | ::: {style="ma | | rgin-bottom: 0. | : {align="right | : {align="right | rgin-bottom: 0. | | 0001pt; line-he | " style="margin | " style="margin | 0001pt; line-he | | ight: normal;"} | -bottom: 0.0001 | -bottom: 0.0001 | ight: normal;"} | | [Celke | pt; text-align: | pt; text-align: |   | | m]{style="font- | right; line-he | right; line-he | ::: | | size: 12pt;"} | ight: normal;"} | ight: normal;"} | | | ::: | [22 | [18 | | | | 8]{style="font- | 8]{style="font- | | | | size: 12pt;"} | size: 12pt;"} | | | | ::: | ::: | | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+