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1 Commits

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ all: prace.pdf sighup
# LaTeX je potreba spustit nekolikrat, aby spravne spocital odkazy
prace.pdf: prace.tex $(wildcard *.tex) literatura.bib prace.xmpdata
pdflatex $<
bibtex prace
pdflatex $<
pdflatex $<
lualatex $<
biber prace
lualatex $<
lualatex $<
rm -f *.log *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.lof *.lot *.out *.bbl *.blg *.xmpi *.lol

@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ Generátor také vyždaduje konfigurační soubor \texttt{config.toml} v kořeno
# Adresa ze které se generují odkazy
base_url = ""
# Název stránky
title = "Učitel online"
title = "%(*Učitel online*)"
# Popis stránky
description = "Web pro ditstribuci užitečných materiálů"
description = "%(*Web pro distribuci užitečných materiálů*)"
# Zda se bude zpracovávat CSS systémem Sass
compile_sass = true

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
author = {Leonard, Sean},
howpublished = {Internet Requests for Comments},
url = {Internet Requests for Comments},
institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force},
issn = {2070-1721},
journal = {IETF Documents},
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
year = {2016}
author = {Slant},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-10},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-02-10},
title = {What are the best markup languages?},
year = {2020}
@ -58,18 +58,18 @@
year = {2012}
author = {{PC{ }Magazine}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-12},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-02-12},
title = {Definition of: dynamic Web page},
year = {2017}
author = {{PC{ }Magazine}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-12},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-02-12},
title = {Definition of: static Web page},
year = {2020}
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
author = {Hoffman, Billy},
date = {2013-09-26},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-12},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-02-12},
title = {Improving Search Rank by Optimizing Your Time to First Byte},
year = {2013}
@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
author = {Chadburn, Matt and Lahav, Gadi},
date = {2016-04-04},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
journal = {Financial Times},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-15},
urldate = {2020-02-15},
title = {How slow websites damage publishers revenue},
year = {2016}
@ -96,34 +96,34 @@
author = {Ol{\v s}{\'a}k, Petr},
date = {1997-08-14},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
title = {Pro{\v c} nerad pou{\v z}{\'\i}v{\'a}m LaTeX},
year = {1997}
author = {Gruber, John},
date = {2004-12-14},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-02-27},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-02-27},
title = {Markdown},
year = {2004}
author = {Cimpanu, Catalin},
date = {2015-05-22},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
journal = {Softpedia},
note = {Cit. 2020-03-16},
urldate = {2020-03-16},
title = {How Static Site Generators Work},
year = {2015}
author = {MacFarlane, John},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-03-22},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-03-22},
title = {CommonMark Spec},
year = {2019}
@ -131,23 +131,23 @@
author = {Calomel},
date = {2017-01-01},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-03-23},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-03-23},
title = {Webserver Optimization and Bandwidth Saving Tips},
year = {2017}
author = {Mart{\'\i}, Vicent},
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {Cit. 2020-03-23},
url = {},
urldate = {2020-03-23},
title = {A formal spec for GitHub Flavored Markdown},
year = {2017}
author = {OWASP},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {\%28en\%29.pdf.pdf},
institution = {OWASP},
journal = {OWASP Top Ten},
organization = {OWASP},
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
author = {{CVE{ }Details}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
organization = {CVE{ }Details},
title = {Wordpress : Vulnerability Statistics},
year = {2020}
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
author = {Khandelwal, Swati},
date = {2020-02-17},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
journal = {The Hacker News},
title = {Critical Bug in WordPress Theme Plugin Opens 200,000 Sites to Hackers},
year = {2020}
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
author = {Khandelwal, Swati},
date = {2019-12-13},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
journal = {The Hacker News},
title = {Flaw in Elementor and Beaver Addons Let Anyone Hack WordPress Sites},
year = {2019}
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
author = {{CVE{ }Details}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = {},
organization = {CVE{ }Details},
title = {PHP : Vulnerability Statistics},
year = {2020}

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
%%% a unsrt jsou standardní součástí latexových distribucí. Styl czplainnat
%%% je dodáván s touto šablonou a bibTeX ho hledá v aktuálním adresáři.
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@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
%%% Vytvoření seznamu literatury. Pozor, pokud jste necitovali ani jednu
%%% položku, seznam se automaticky vynechá.
%%% Kdybyste chtěli bibliografii vytvářet ručně (bez bibTeXu), lze to udělat
%%% následovně. V takovém případě se řiďte normou ISO 690 a zvyklostmi v oboru.

@ -28,12 +28,37 @@
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%% bibliografie
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% kvůli chybě v Babelu je ale třeba toto:
% zdroj:
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%% Formátování podle předpisů PedF
% velikosti fontů jsou v základím nastavení správně
@ -72,38 +97,39 @@
% literate=
% {á}{{\'a}}1
% {č}{{\v{c}}}1
% {ď}{{\v{d}}}1
% {é}{{\'e}}1
% {ě}{{\v{e}}}1
% {í}{{\'i}}1
% {ň}{{\v{n}}}1
% {ó}{{\'o}}1
% {ř}{{\v{r}}}1
% {š}{{\v{s}}}1
% {ť}{{\v{t}}}1
% {ú}{{\'u}}1
% {ů}{{\r{u}}}1
% {ý}{{\'y}}1
% {ž}{{\v{z}}}1
% {Á}{{\'A}}1
% {Č}{{\v{C}}}1
% {Ď}{{\v{D}}}1
% {É}{{\'E}}1
% {Ě}{{\v{E}}}1
% {Í}{{\'I}}1
% {Ň}{{\v{N}}}1
% {Ó}{{\'O}}1
% {Ř}{{\v{R}}}1
% {Š}{{\v{S}}}1
% {Ť}{{\v{T}}}1
% {Ú}{{\'U}}1
% {Ů}{{\r{U}}}1
% {Ý}{{\'Y}}1
% {Ž}{{\v{Z}}}1
\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Program} % Přejmenování popisků
\renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{Seznam programů} % Přejmenování názvu seznamu programů