@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import requests
def ship_detail(ShipName):
def ship_detail(ShipName):
url = 'https://swapi.co/api/starships'
url = 'https://swapi.co/api/starships'
r = requests.get(url).json() # tohle je mega gay, protoze si nacitas vsechny data
r = requests.get(url).json() # ^-- tohle je mega gay, protoze si nacitas vsechny data
res = r['results'] # a sortujes v pythonu, misto toho abys si upravil
res = r['results'] # a sortujes v pythonu, misto toho abys si upravil
ship_absolute = '' # url - mel bys to jednodussi, rychlejsi, prehlednejsi
ship_absolute = '' # url - mel bys to jednodussi, rychlejsi, prehlednejsi
for ship in res: # a pametove efektivnejsi
for ship in res: # a pametove efektivnejsi
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def species_detail(SpeciesName):
url = 'https://swapi.co/api/species' # stejnej problem jako nahore
url = 'https://swapi.co/api/species' # stejnej problem jako nahore
r = requests.get(url).json()
r = requests.get(url).json()
res = r['results']
res = r['results']
species_absolute = ''
species_absolute = '' # eeh, celkem dlouhej nazev, sice to neni explicitni chyba ale kratsi nazev = lepsi nazev
for specie in res:
for specie in res:
if specie['name'] == SpeciesName:
if specie['name'] == SpeciesName:
species_absolute = specie
species_absolute = specie
@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ def Crawl(Film_Title): # a poctvrte
film_absolute = ''
film_absolute = ''
for film in res:
for film in res:
if film['title'] == Film_Title:
if film['title'] == Film_Title:
film_absolute = film
film_absolute = film # <-- mozny vynechat protoze film == film_absolute je True
break # protoze film se updateuje kazdou loopu - kdyz loop skonci (`break`) tak film je promenna po breaku
# coz je hezky protoze recyklujes promenne aniz by jejich nazev
# neodpovidal hodnote