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grid = [
["", "", ""],
["", "", ""],
["", "", ""]
x = False
5 years ago
# nazev promenny nic nerika
# taky ta definice je kilometry od mista kde se
# ta promenna pouzije :(
5 years ago
def play1(): # dve oddeleny funkce pro ruzne hrace
# debilni protoze a) nemuzeme snadno pridat hrace
# b) opakovani kodu
global x_input_1
global y_input_1
5 years ago
# oof, globaly
true_x = False # lol, to jsou nazvy.
true_y = False # procs tam nenapsal rovnou:
#false_y = True
# :D
5 years ago
# ale vazne by bylo lepsi:
#bool_y = False
true_taken_1 = False
5 years ago
print("Now will play player 1") # english
5 years ago
while not true_taken_1: # celkem elegantni, az na to ze moc ne
5 years ago
# chytrejsi by bylo volat funkci na taken ale to by
# vyzadovalo premyslet o strukture programu, vid ze jo?
while not true_x:
x_input_1 = int(input("Enter x axis position (1, 2, 3): "))
if x_input_1 == 1:
true_x = True
elif x_input_1 == 2:
true_x = True
elif x_input_1 == 3:
true_x = True
5 years ago
print("Try again (1, 2, 3)") # eeeh, zdaleka ne moc elegantni
while not true_y:
y_input_1 = int(input("Enter y axis position (1, 2, 3): "))
if y_input_1 == 1:
true_y = True
elif y_input_1 == 2:
true_y = True
elif y_input_1 == 3:
true_y = True
print("Try again (1, 2, 3)")
if grid[x_input_1 - 1][y_input_1 - 1] not in ("X", "O"):
true_taken_1 = True
print("That position is taken")
true_x = False
true_y = False
grid[x_input_1 - 1][y_input_1 - 1] = "X"
print(grid[0][0] + " | " + grid[1][0] + " | " + grid[2][0] + "\n" + "__" + " " + "__" + " " + "__" +
"\n" + grid[0][1] + " | " + grid[1][1] + " | " + grid[2][1] + "\n" + "__" + " " + "__" + " " + "__" +
5 years ago
"\n" + grid[0][2] + " | " + grid[1][2] + " | " + grid[2][2]) # celkem v pohode lol
def play2():
print("Now will play player 2\n")
global x_input_2
global y_input_2
5 years ago
# globaly fuj fuj
true_taken_2 = False
true_x_1 = False
true_y_1 = False
while not true_taken_2:
while not true_x_1:
x_input_2 = int(input("Enter x axis position (1, 2, 3): "))
if x_input_2 == 1:
true_x_1 = True
elif x_input_2 == 2:
true_x_1 = True
elif x_input_2 == 3:
true_x_1 = True
print("Try again (1, 2, 3)")
while not true_y_1:
y_input_2 = int(input("Enter y axis position (1, 2, 3): "))
if y_input_2 == 1:
true_y_1 = True
elif y_input_2 == 2:
true_y_1 = True
elif y_input_2 == 3:
true_y_1 = True
print("Try again (1, 2, 3)")
if grid[x_input_2 - 1][y_input_2 - 1] not in ("X", "O"):
true_taken_2 = True
print("That position is taken")
true_x_1 = False
true_y_1 = False
grid[x_input_2 - 1][y_input_2 - 1] = "O"
print(grid[0][0] + " | " + grid[1][0] + " | " + grid[2][0] + "\n" + "__" + " " + "__" + " " + "__" +
"\n" + grid[0][1] + " | " + grid[1][1] + " | " + grid[2][1] + "\n" + "__" + " " + "__" + " " + "__" +
"\n" + grid[0][2] + " | " + grid[1][2] + " | " + grid[2][2])
def win():
global x
5 years ago
# globaly fuj fuj
x0_y0 = grid[0][0] # <-- gay
5 years ago
x0_y1 = grid[0][1] # <-- gay
x0_y2 = grid[0][2] # <-- gay
x1_y0 = grid[1][0] # <-- gay
x1_y1 = grid[1][1] # <-- gay
x1_y2 = grid[1][2] # <-- gay
x2_y0 = grid[2][0] # <-- gay
x2_y1 = grid[2][1] # <-- gay
x2_y2 = grid[2][2] # <-- gay
if x0_y0 == x0_y1 == x0_y2 and x0_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x1_y0 == x1_y1 == x1_y2 and x1_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x2_y0 == x2_y1 == x2_y2 and x2_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y0 == x1_y0 == x2_y0 and x0_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y1 == x1_y1 == x0_y2 and x0_y1 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y2 == x1_y2 == x2_y2 and x0_y2 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y0 == x1_y1 == x2_y2 and x0_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x2_y0 == x1_y1 == x0_y2 and x2_y0 == "X":
print("Player 1 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y0 == x0_y1 == x0_y2 and x0_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x1_y0 == x1_y1 == x1_y2 and x1_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x2_y0 == x2_y1 == x2_y2 and x2_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y0 == x1_y0 == x2_y0 and x0_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y1 == x1_y1 == x0_y2 and x0_y1 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y2 == x1_y2 == x2_y2 and x0_y2 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x0_y0 == x1_y1 == x2_y2 and x0_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
elif x2_y0 == x1_y1 == x0_y2 and x2_y0 == "O":
print("Player 2 wins")
x = True
5 years ago
# top kek, jeste jsi ani neresil to ze vlastne nemusis rozlisovat
# mezi X a O, staci ze jsou stejny. dalo se to vymyslet mnohem
# jednoduseji, o tom byl ten ukol
while not x: # mega gay, tyhle casti programu se rika
# mainloop, a princip je takovej ze kdyz
# hra skonci tak breakujes. To tady pochopitelne
# nemas, protoze tvoje kazda funkce je void (a nic nevraci)
# takze vystup je printovej. To je mega gay, protoze nevyuzivas
# potencial funkci a taky print je vedlejsi efekt o kterym jsem
# se bavil ze je to presne to co nechces
5 years ago
# takze ten program sice pozna ze nekdo vyhral, ale neskonci
if not x:
print("End of the game")
5 years ago
# krasnej priklad toho, proc jsem vam rikal abyste si nejdriv program
# promysleli nez ho naprogramujete
# na druhou stranu respekt zes to dotahl i presto ze je to tak necitelny
# a taky diky tobe mam o cem mluvit :D