Note that all hook and command related options can make use of any tdrop variables (such as $width, $height, $xoff, $yoff, $class, $wid, etc.). Note that for some of the hooks, the window id is not guarunteed to be known (since the window may not have yet been created), so any scripts that make use of these should check if it is defined (pre-map and pre-float; wid will never be known for pre-create).
\fB-w\fR, \fB --width\fR
\fB-w WIDTH\fR, \fB --width=WIDTH\fR
Specify a width for a created window as a number or percentage. A negative number is allowed (e.g. '-w -4') in which case the width will be that many pixels less than 100% of the screen size (or monitor size if '-m' is being used). This fixes the problem where 100% width may actually go over the screen due to window borders/decoration. The other other geometry options also accept negative values ('-h', '-x', and '-y'). (default: 100%)
\fB-h\fR, \fB --height\fR
\fB-h HEIGHT\fR, \fB --height=HEIGHT\fR
Specify a height for a created window as a number or percentage. (default: 45%)
\fB-x\fR, \fB --x-offset\fR
\fB-x OFFSET\fR, \fB --x-offset=OFFSET\fR
Specify the x position for a created window as a number or percentage. (default: 0)
\fB-y\fR, \fB --y-offset\fR
\fB-y OFFSET\fR, \fB --y-offset=OFFSET\fR
Specify the y position for a created window as a number or percentage. (default: 1, see BUGS)
\fB-s\fR, \fB --session\fR
\fB-s NAME\fR, \fB --session=NAME\fR
Specify a tmuxinator or tmux session name to start. An existing tmux session has highest precedence and will be connected to with '-d', detaching other attached clients. If a there is no tmuxinator session of the given name, a normal tmux session with the name will be created. If this option is not given, tmux will not be used. Note that this option requires that the program be a supported terminal. (default: none)
\fB-n\fR, \fB --number\fR
\fB-n NUMBER\fR, \fB --number=NUMBER\fR
Specify a number (or any extra text) to differentiate between dropdowns of the same program (this is only needed when using multiple dropdowns of the same program). This flag can also be used for creating multiple different dropdowns on the fly ('current'). Note that it is not necessary to use this to deal with multi-user systems as tdrop stores dropdown information separately for each user. (default: none)
Specify a command to execute before first creating or initializing a dropdown (before mapping a normal dropdown or before unmapping the 'current' window). This flag has no effect for the auto_(hide|show) commands. (default: none)
\fB-C\fR, \fB --pre-create-hook\fR
Specify a command to execute after first creating or initializing a dropdown (after mapping a normal dropdown or after unmapping the 'current' window). This flag has no effect for the auto_(hide|show) commands. (default: none)
\fB-C\fR, \fB --pre-create-hook=COMMAND\fR
NDSpecify a command to execute after first creating or initializing a dropdown (after mapping a normal dropdown or after unmapping the 'current' window). This flag has no effect for the auto_(hide|show) commands. (default: none)
\fB-p\fR, \fB --pre-map-hook\fR
\fB-p COMMAND\fR, \fB --pre-map-hook=COMMAND\fR
Specify a command to execute before showing/mapping a dropdown. Note that this will run when showing a dropdown for the first time even when --pre-create-hook is used. (default: none)
\fB-P\fR, \fB --post-map-hook\fR
\fB-P COMMAND\fR, \fB --post-map-hook=COMMAND\fR
Specify a command to execute after showing/mapping a dropdown. Note that this will run when hiding a dropdown for the first time even when --post-create-hook is used. (default: none)
Specify a command execute before showing/mapping a dropdown in order to float the dropdown (e.g. a bspwm oneshot rule). This may be useful if you don't want to float all windows of a given program and tdrop doesn't automatically support this for your window manager with the -a flag. This will override any default floating command when used with -a.
Specify a command execute after showing/mapping a dropdown in order to float the dropdown. This may be useful if you don't want to float all windows of a given program and tdrop doesn't automatically support this for your window manager with the -a flag. This can be used if your window manager does not support floating rules at all; for example, it can be used to fake a key combination (e.g. using xdotool) that will float the current window. This will override any default floating command when used with -a.
\fB-u\fR, \fB --pre-unmap-hook\fR
\fB-u COMMAND\fR, \fB --pre-unmap-hook=COMMAND\fR
Specify a command to execute before hiding/unmapping a dropdown. (default: none)
Specify a window decoration/border size in the form <x decoration size>x<y decoration size> to be taken into account when saving window position. This should not be necessary for most window managers and is only used with 'auto_show', e.g. 'tdrop -d 1x22 auto_show' for blackbox. (default: none)
\fB-S\fR, \fB --no-subtract-when-same\fR
@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ If there are available settings for the detected window manager for the -l, -L,
\fB-m\fR, \fB --monitor-aware\fR
This option only applies for dropdowns (not auto-hiding and auto-showing). Specify that geometry values should be relative to the current monitor. For example, if the width is a percentage or negative value, the pixel width will be calculated as a percentage of the current monitor's width (instead of the combined width of all monitors). If the monitor changes, this option will cause a dropdown to be resized to fit the given percentages. Note that this option assumes xrandr is being used and requires xrandr to work. (default: false)
\fB --wm\fR
\fB --wm=NAME\fR
Mimic another WM's rules with -a. This is unlikely to be useful. It could potentially be used in the case where a similar fork of a window manager had a different name. (default: automatically detected)
\fB --class\fR
\fB --class=NAME\fR
Providing this option lets tdrop know what the class (or classname) of the window is (it does not actually set the class for a window). This is used for window managers like bspwm that use the class for floating rules. For some commonly used programs, tdrop will already use the correct class. This option is useful when the program name and class are not the same and there is not already a default mapping between the two. (default: the program name or a known substitution)
Both the class and classname of a window can be obtained using xprop (see WM_CLASS). As for the difference, generally the class starts with an uppercase letter and the classname starts with a lowercase letter. The xprop output may only list one for some programs (e.g. urxvt only has "urxvt"). Currently this option is only useful for bspwm, and it does not matter whether the class or classname (which bspwm calls an instance name) is provided, so the user does not really need to worry about the distinction.
\fB --name\fR
\fB --name=NAME\fR
This option only applies for dropdowns (not auto-hiding and auto-showing). Set a new name for the dropdown window (see _NET_WM_NAME and WM_NAME in xprop output). This option may be useful if you want to add specific rules just for dropdowns with a program like compton by giving them a common title. (default: none)