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5 years ago
# This script parses SIS for a CSV file of a specific room and saves it
# in the working directory. The correct room ID is parsed first followed
# by a given CSV file.
# The hostname of the computer running this script has to have the name
# of a corresponding room after the first hyphen, eg. "rzv-r013h",
# where the room name would be "R013H" as defined in SIS.
# Curl with TLS support needs to be installed as well as iconv for
# Windows-1250 to UTF-8 encoding conversion.
# All utilities used: curl, sed, grep, tr, iconv
#ROOM_NAME=$(hostname | sed "s/.*-//" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
ROOM_NAME=$(echo rzv-r013h | sed "s/.*-//" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
5 years ago
ROOM_ID=$(curl -s "" | sed "s,</a>,\n,g" | grep $ROOM_NAME | grep -oP "ucebna=\K[^ ]+" | tr -d "\"")
printf "%s\n" "Fetching room $ROOM_NAME with ID $ROOM_ID"
curl -s "$ROOM_ID&fak=11410&csv=1" > $ROOM_NAME.csv
iconv -f WINDOWS-1250 -t UTF-8 $ROOM_NAME.csv -o $ROOM_NAME.csv
DATE=$(date -d "tomorrow" "+%-d.%-m.%Y" )
TODAY=$(grep "$DATE" "$FILE")
echo "$TODAY"
while read line
LECTURE=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f 4)
START=$(date -d "today 0 +$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f 7) minutes" "+%T")
DURRATION=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f 9)
END=$(date -d "$START $DURRATION minutes" "+%T")
TEACHER=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f 10)
done <<< "$TODAY"