You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* configurator.js
* Marlin Configuration Utility
* - Web form for entering configuration options
* - A reprap calculator to calculate movement values
* - Uses HTML5 to generate downloadables in Javascript
* - Reads and parses standard configuration files from local folders
* Supporting functions
* - Parser to read Marlin Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files
* - Utilities to replace values in configuration files
var marlin_config = '..';
// Extend String
String.prototype.lpad = function(len, chr) {
if (chr === undefined) { chr = ' '; }
var s = this+'', need = len - s.length;
if (need > 0) { s = new Array(need+1).join(chr) + s; }
return s;
String.prototype.prePad = function(len, chr) {
return len ? this.lpad(len, chr) : this;
String.prototype.zeroPad = function(len) {
return len ? this.prePad(len, '0') : this;
* selectField.addOptions takes an array or keyed object
addOptions: function(arrObj) {
return this.each(function() {
var sel = $(this);
var isArr = == "[object Array]";
$.each(arrObj, function(k, v) {
sel.append( $('<option>',{value:isArr?v:k}).text(v) );
// The app is a singleton
var configuratorApp = (function(){
// private variables and functions go here
var self,
pi2 = Math.PI * 2,
$config = $('#config_text'),
$config_adv = $('#config_adv_text'),
boards_list = {},
therms_list = {};
// Return this anonymous object as configuratorApp
return {
my_public_var: 4,
init: function() {
self = this; // a 'this' for use when 'this' is something else
// Read boards.h
boards_list = {};
$.get(marlin_config + "/boards.h", function(txt) {
// Get all the boards and save them into an object
var r, findDef = new RegExp('[ \\t]*#define[ \\t]+(BOARD_[^ \\t]+)[ \\t]+(\\d+)[ \\t]*(//[ \\t]*)?(.+)?', 'mg');
while((r = findDef.exec(txt)) !== null) {
boards_list[r[1]] = r[2].prePad(r[2] < 100 ? (r[2] < 10 ? 5 : 4) : 0, ' ') + " — " + r[4].replace(/\).*/, ')');
// Read Configuration.h
$.get(marlin_config+"/Configuration.h", function(txt) {
// Read Configuration.h
$.get(marlin_config+"/Configuration_adv.h", function(txt) {
setupConfigForm: function() {
// Modify form fields and make the form responsive.
// As values change on the form, we could update the
// contents of text areas containing the configs, for
// example.
// while(!$config_adv.text() == null) {}
// while(!$config.text() == null) {}
// Go through all form items with names
$('#config_form').find('[name]').each(function() {
// Set its id to its name
var name = $(this).attr('name');
$(this).attr({id: name});
// Attach its label sibling
var $label = $(this).prev();
if ($label[0].tagName == 'LABEL') {
// Get all 'switchable' class items and add a checkbox
$('#config_form .switchable').each(function(){
.attr('id', + '-switch')
* For now I'm manually creating these references
* but I should be able to parse Configuration.h
* and iterate the #defines.
* For any #ifdef blocks I can create field groups
* which can be dimmed together when the option
* is disabled.
* Then we only need to specify exceptions to
* standard behavior, (which is to add a text field)
$('#POWER_SUPPLY').addOptions({'1':'ATX','2':'Xbox 360'});
min: 0,
max: 3,
val: $('#SERIAL_PORT').val(),
arrowWidth: '18px',
arrowHeight: '15px',
color: '#FFF',
acolor: '#F70',
hcolor: '#FF0',
id: 'select-me',
stepperClass: 'inner',
textStyle: {width:'1.5em',fontSize:'120%',textAlign:'center'},
// onChange: function(v) { },
// prettyPrint();
initField: function(name) {
var $elm = $('#'+name), isText = $elm.attr('type') == 'text';
isText ? $elm.bind('input', this.handleChange) : $elm.change(this.handleChange)
handleChange: function(e) {
handleSwitch: function(e) {
var $elm = $(, $prev = $elm.prev();
var on = $elm.prop('checked') || false;
$prev.attr('disabled', !on);
self.setDefineEnabled($prev[0], on);
setDefineEnabled: function(elm, val) {
var $elm = $(elm);
// console.log("Enable: " + + " = " + val);
var txt = $config.text();
var findDef = new RegExp('^[ \\t]*(//[ \\t]*)?(#define[ \\t]+' + + '([ \\t].*)?)$', 'm');
txt = txt.replace(findDef, val ? '$2': '//$2');
// Now set the text in the field
updateDefineForField: function(elm) {
var $elm = $(elm),
isCheck = $elm.attr('type') == 'checkbox',
val = isCheck ? $elm.prop('checked') : $elm.val();
// console.log("Set: " + + " = " + val);
var txt = $config.text();
if (isCheck) {
var findDef = new RegExp('^([ \\t]*)(//[ \\t]*)?(#define[ \\t]+' + + '([ \\t].*)?)$', 'm');
txt = txt.replace(findDef, val ? '$1$3': '$1//$3');
else {
// Match the define name, 1 = "#define name ", 3=value, 4=comment
var findDef = new RegExp('^([ \\t]*(//)?[ \\t]*#define[ \\t]+' + + '[ \\t]+)(.*)([ \\t]*(//)?.*)$', 'm');
if ($elm.hasClass('quote')) val = '"' + val + '"'
txt = txt.replace(findDef, '$1!!REGEXP!!$4').replace('!!REGEXP!!', val);
// Now set the text in the field
// $config.scrollTo(500);
setFieldFromDefine: function(name, adv) {
var $elm = $('#'+name), elm = $elm[0];
var isCheck = $elm.attr('type') == 'checkbox';
var val = this.defineValue(name, adv);
isCheck ? $elm.prop('checked', val) : $elm.val("" + val);
// If the item has a checkbox then set enabled state too
var $cb = $('#'+name+'-switch');
if ($cb.length) {
var on = self.defineIsEnabled(name,adv);
$elm.attr('disabled', !on);
$cb.prop('checked', on);
defineValue: function(name, adv) {
var $elm = $('#'+name), elm = $elm[0];
var $c = adv ? $config_adv : $config;
if ($elm.attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
// maybe spaces, maybe comment, #define, spaces, name, maybe a comment
var findDef = new RegExp('^[ \\t]*(//[ \\t]*)?(#define[ \\t]+' + + '([ \\t]*(//)?.*)?)$', 'm');
var result = findDef.exec($c.text());
return (result ? result[1] == undefined || result[1].trim() != '//' : false);
else {
// maybe spaces, maybe comment, #define, spaces, name, one or more spaces, value, maybe a comment
var findDef = new RegExp('^([ \\t]*(//[ \\t]*)?#define[ \\t]+' + + '[ \\t]+)(.*)([ \\t]*(//)?.*)$', 'm');
var result = findDef.exec($c.text());
if (result !== null) {
var val = result[3];
if (^".*"$/) >= 0) $elm.addClass('quote');
if ($elm.hasClass('quote')) val = val.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1');
return val;
return 'fail';
defineIsEnabled: function(name, adv) {
var $elm = $('#'+name);
var $c = adv ? $config_adv : $config;
var findDef = new RegExp('^[ \\t]*(//[ \\t]*)?(#define[ \\t]+' + name + '([ \\t]*(//)?.*)?)$', 'm');
var result = findDef.exec($c.text());
return (result ? result[1].trim() != '//' : false);
logOnce: function(o) {
if (typeof o.didLogThisObject === 'undefined') {
o.didLogThisObject = true;
EOF: null
// Typically the app would be in its own file, but this would be here