Bernhard Kubicek 70abca195a overworked cardreader for folder support; not finished yet.
Sanguino Added modified Sanguino files
COPYING first commit
Configuration.h the normal config again..
EEPROMwrite.h minor changes and first not-well working version of autotemp
Makefile overworked the serial responses. Quite difficult, since many texts are Pronterface protocol.
Marlin.h watchdog,percent done,
Marlin.pde overworked cardreader for folder support; not finished yet.
Sd2Card.cpp updated to sdfatlib2010902
Sd2Card.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
Sd2PinMap.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdBaseFile.cpp updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdBaseFile.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFatConfig.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFatStructs.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFatUtil.cpp updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFatUtil.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFile.cpp updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdFile.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdInfo.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdVolume.cpp updated to sdfatlib2010902
SdVolume.h updated to sdfatlib2010902
cardreader.h overworked cardreader for folder support; not finished yet.
cardreader.pde overworked cardreader for folder support; not finished yet. first commit
fastio.h changed end of line to windows, which seems to be the majority of developers main platform.
motion_control.cpp Fixed some arc bugs
motion_control.h First arcs version. (Arcs not working ok)
pins.h made progmem mainly, found one bug in cardreader, added a empty class for cardreader in case no sd support.
planner.cpp and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
planner.h and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
speed_lookuptable.h reformating and some minor bugs/things found on the way.
stepper.cpp Advance experiments. Not working yet.
stepper.h added a m400, that finished all moves,
temperature.cpp and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
temperature.h fixed bug with adjusting ki in realtime.
thermistortables.h and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
ultralcd.h and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
ultralcd.pde and changed ultipanel to have the mm/sec and not mm/min
watchdog.h reformating and some minor bugs/things found on the way.
watchdog.pde Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Marlin_v1' into Marlin_v1