864dddc878Macros to the top, a few HAS_* macros
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-26 00:33:30 -0800
227ab8c665Merge pull request #1503 from MarcelMo/patch-2
2015-02-25 13:22:42 -0300
fd1ea9d56fMove literal strings to language files
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-24 23:03:08 -0800
8742b6bd56Merge branch 'Development' into panel_one
2015-02-24 22:24:57 +0200
aa9c1f1bedBetter name for ADC macro
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-24 05:38:10 -0800
9c9726d469Cleanup of temperature code
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-24 04:46:11 -0800
c6d2ebe452Extend the idea of dummy temperature sensors.
2015-02-24 11:02:16 +0100
e6af82ba2fMerge pull request #1526 from thinkyhead/cleanup_ultralcd
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 21:22:54 -0800
c9a3eb0c1aSpacing in calculate_volumetric_multiplier(s)
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:35:18 -0800
2af559cca3Shared function for menu_edit_* and menu_edit_callback_*
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:31:28 -0800
7ec391e689Merge branch 'Development' into marlin_configurator Latest upstream changes
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:21:40 -0800
df8c51528fMerge branch 'Development' into cleanup_ultralcd Latest upstream changes
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:13:08 -0800
517f411999Spacing adjustment to menu_edit* macro
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:11:52 -0800
4938ae5cafAdd required backslash for macro expansion
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 20:10:49 -0800
e182cdebf9Add required backslash for macro expansion
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 19:54:07 -0800
adbb839b16Merge pull request #1535 from gege2b/Development
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 19:51:44 -0800
fa4c36df68Fix menu callback issue wrt LCD_CLICKED
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 19:40:57 -0800
0cf0c20532Optimize calculate_volumetric_multiplier
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-23 18:10:35 -0800
38500165eaFirst attempt at adding TMC Driver support. May need some cleanup.
2015-02-23 17:45:29 +0100
b55995aae8Introduce a layer of macro indirection to all stepper pins. This allows other stepper drivers to redefine them, so they can use SPI/I2C instead of direct pin manipulation.
2015-02-23 16:12:35 +0100
b4e9395661Corrected a typo in ArduinoAddons/Arduino_1.5.x/(...)/avr/boards.txt about Sanguino
2015-02-23 16:02:04 +0100
8ccdac9898Enable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:42:01 +0100
29097b0ab2Enable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:41:25 +0100
21bd4fd6dbEnable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:40:53 +0100
fb56aad898Enable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:40:29 +0100
08c543f8fbEnable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:40:06 +0100
c89413db1eEnable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:39:39 +0100
1c71e4751aEnable PID debugging for heated bed
2015-02-23 09:39:07 +0100
a9e15aa503Updated example configurations
2015-02-22 20:15:05 +0200
3ba47ea277Remove test/demo multi=line code menu items
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-22 10:10:37 -0800
c1240f23ddMerge branch 'Development' into marlin_configurator Latest upstream changes
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-22 10:02:25 -0800
a57869ba49Dummy Thermistor Table for testing purposes
2015-02-22 11:02:04 -0300
2e166f5337Added support for PanelOne from T3P3.
2014-07-29 20:56:55 +0300
40ef472a25Merge in encoder multiplier
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 20:18:49 -0800
c3c50528e6Merge pull request #1521 from thinkyhead/fixup_encoder_code
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 19:44:53 -0800
1c13cd604bFormatting in babysteps defines
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:45:10 -0800
3a26804d80Adapt to latest PID code and fix typos
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:41:04 -0800
422582da71Prep formatting for upcoming PR
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:24:16 -0800
27ac3e985dAdd options to example_configurations
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:17:37 -0800
0d6a7a2df0Merge with latest upstream changes
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:13:31 -0800
c7a97e18b7Merge branch 'Development' into cleanup_ultralcd Latest upstream changes
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 18:04:08 -0800
6d5c13df74Merge pull request #1520 from thinkyhead/fixup_temperature
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 17:53:26 -0800
5b9e341222Merge pull request #1516 from thinkyhead/fixup_ramps
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 17:51:57 -0800
57bc28b42cCleanup and fix ultralcd.cpp
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 17:38:56 -0800
4fcd4b444eMerge pull request #1519 from thinkyhead/fix_recent_issues
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 16:43:11 -0800
9c35ed149dMerge pull request #1508 from AnHardt/iss1492
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-21 16:26:37 -0800
430c4b6538Replace missing backslash
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 02:17:16 -0800
3aa5f98b64Download all as ZIP, adjust layout on resize
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 02:12:00 -0800
a8939eec28Readability of MENU_MULTIPLIER_ITEM
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 02:08:41 -0800
09e09b308eTweaky spacing adjustments
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 01:22:56 -0800
e3fd3e8fa4Fix typos in checkExtruderAutoFans
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 00:08:59 -0800
c610471b0cAdd PID_PARAMS_PER_EXTRUDER conditional
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-20 00:00:19 -0800
2d6fa9ce80Proper implementation of PID menu items
Scott Lahteine
2015-02-19 23:54:06 -0800
b8e79dce89Fix compilation errors when encoder multiplier is disabled
2015-02-19 21:51:23 -0500