This is what I did yesterday:
- basicly gave the tests more comprehensive names; put all the
declarations at the top; got rid of the magic negative C-value (renamed
to P + A, O, T)
- "cos(RADIANS(180 + 30 * axis)) * (1 + circles * 0.1 * ((zig_zag) ? 1 :
-1)) * delta_calibration_radius" compiles wrong is zig_zag statement is
without brackets
- DELTA_TOWER_ANGLE_TRIM reset to 3 values (the calcs use the 3th value
to normalize will not compile otherwise)
-Wrote 3 dummies to keep EEPROM lenght the same
-Reset the configs to the 'original' with autocal + menu disabled (but
can be enabled of course)
Giving a negative number of probe points disables the tower angle
correction calibration ('4point' instead of '7point' solution)
EEPROM version updated
- Making M665 compatible with repetier (see
- M665 B also sets the radius for manual calibration menu
- Converting tower ajustment definitions to arrays - tower angle
corrections compatible with Esher 3D wizzard
- Only tower angles need to be adjustable with M665 and stored to EEPROM
- tower radius and diag rod can be adjusted in the FW only with #define
This data corruption problem is very difficult. Just changing the code
a little bit changes whether the problem even happens and what is
affected. I need these changes in the main branch so I can operate with
the extra debug code always available and turned on.
Everything is setup such that if M100 is turned off or DEBUG(ECHO) is
turned off, the code is not affected. M100 has been made a little bit
more inteligent so it can display the serial command buffers in a more
meaningful way (because the data corruption seems to often times end up
in that area).