@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def resolve_path(path):
#get line and column numbers
line_num = 1
column_num = 1
line_start = path.find(':')
line_start = path.find(':', 2) # use 2 here so don't eat Windows full path
column_start = path.find(':', line_start + 1)
if column_start == -1:
column_start = len(path)
@ -218,57 +218,69 @@ def resolve_path(path):
if not(column_start == column_end):
column_num = path[ column_start + 1 : column_end]
if column_num == '':
column_num = 1
column_num = 0
index_end = path.find(',')
if 0 <= index_end:
path = path[ : index_end] # delete comma and anything after
index_end = path.find(':', 2)
if 0 <= index_end:
path = path[ : path.find(':', 2)] # delete the line number and anything after
path = path[ : path.find(':')] # delete the line number and anything after
path = path.replace('\\','/')
# resolve as many '../' as we can
while 0 <= path.find('../'):
end = path.find('../') - 1
start = path.find('/')
while 0 <= path.find('/',start) and end > path.find('/',start):
start = path.find('/',start) + 1
path = path[0:start] + path[end + 4: ]
# this is an alternative to the above - it just deletes the '../' section
# start_temp = path.find('../')
# while 0 <= path.find('../',start_temp):
# start = path.find('../',start_temp)
# start_temp = start + 1
# if 0 <= start:
# path = path[start + 2 : ]
start = path.find('/')
if not(0 == start): # make sure path starts with '/'
while 0 == path.find(' '): # eat any spaces at the beginning
path = path[ 1 : ]
path = '/' + path
if 1 == path.find(':') and current_OS == 'Windows':
return path, line_num, column_num # found a full path - no need for further processing
elif 0 == path.find('/') and (current_OS == 'Linux' or current_OS == 'Darwin'):
return path, line_num, column_num # found a full path - no need for further processing
if current_OS == 'Windows':
search_path = path.replace('/', '\\') # os.walk uses '\' in Windows
search_path = path
start_path = os.path.abspath('')
# search project directory for the selection
found = False
full_path = ''
for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
for filename in filenames:
if 0 <= root.find('.git'): # don't bother looking in this directory
full_path = os.path.join(root,filename)
if 0 <= full_path.find(search_path):
found = True
if found:
# resolve as many '../' as we can
while 0 <= path.find('../'):
end = path.find('../') - 1
start = path.find('/')
while 0 <= path.find('/',start) and end > path.find('/',start):
start = path.find('/',start) + 1
path = path[0:start] + path[end + 4: ]
# this is an alternative to the above - it just deletes the '../' section
# start_temp = path.find('../')
# while 0 <= path.find('../',start_temp):
# start = path.find('../',start_temp)
# start_temp = start + 1
# if 0 <= start:
# path = path[start + 2 : ]
start = path.find('/')
if not(0 == start): # make sure path starts with '/'
while 0 == path.find(' '): # eat any spaces at the beginning
path = path[ 1 : ]
path = '/' + path
if current_OS == 'Windows':
search_path = path.replace('/', '\\') # os.walk uses '\' in Windows
search_path = path
start_path = os.path.abspath('')
# search project directory for the selection
found = False
full_path = ''
for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
for filename in filenames:
if 0 <= root.find('.git'): # don't bother looking in this directory
full_path = os.path.join(root,filename)
if 0 <= full_path.find(search_path):
found = True
if found:
return full_path, line_num, column_num
return full_path, line_num, column_num
# end - resolve_path
@ -324,6 +336,9 @@ def open_file(path):
elif current_OS == 'Linux':
command = file_path + ':' + str(line_num) + ':' + str(column_num)
index_end = command.find(',')
if 0 <= index_end:
command = command[ : index_end] # sometimes a comma magically appears, don't want it
running_apps = subprocess.Popen('ps ax -o cmd', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(output, err) = running_apps.communicate()
temp = output.split('\n')
@ -336,7 +351,7 @@ def open_file(path):
return False , ''
(success_sublime, editor_path_sublime) = find_editor_linux('sublime_text',temp)
(success_atom, editor_path_atom) = find_editor+linux('atom',temp)
(success_atom, editor_path_atom) = find_editor_linux('atom',temp)
if success_sublime:
subprocess.Popen([editor_path_sublime, command])
@ -350,6 +365,9 @@ def open_file(path):
elif current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
command = file_path + ':' + str(line_num) + ':' + str(column_num)
index_end = command.find(',')
if 0 <= index_end:
command = command[ : index_end] # sometimes a comma magically appears, don't want it
running_apps = subprocess.Popen('ps axwww -o command', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(output, err) = running_apps.communicate()
temp = output.split('\n')
@ -424,8 +442,11 @@ def get_build_last():
date_last = 0.0
DIR__pioenvs = os.listdir('.pioenvs')
for name in DIR__pioenvs:
if 0 <= name.find('.') or 0 <= name.find('-'): # skip files in listing
DIR_temp = os.listdir('.pioenvs/' + name)
for names_temp in DIR_temp:
if 0 == names_temp.find('firmware.'):
date_temp = os.path.getmtime('.pioenvs/' + name + '/' + names_temp)
if date_temp > date_last:
@ -941,7 +962,7 @@ class output_window(Text):
Text.__init__(self, self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken")
self.config(tabs=(400,)) # configure Text widget tab stops
self.config(background = 'black', foreground = 'white', font= ("consolas", 12), wrap = 'word', undo = 'True')
self.config(height = 24, width = 120)
self.config(height = 24, width = 100)
self.config(insertbackground = 'pale green') # keyboard insertion point
self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True)