/* -*- c++ -*- */
Reprap firmware based on Sprinter and grbl .
Copyright ( C ) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This firmware is a mashup between Sprinter and grbl .
( https : //github.com/kliment/Sprinter)
( https : //github.com/simen/grbl/tree)
It has preliminary support for Matthew Roberts advance algorithm
http : //reprap.org/pipermail/reprap-dev/2011-May/003323.html
# include "Marlin.h"
# include "ultralcd.h"
# include "planner.h"
# include "stepper.h"
# include "temperature.h"
# include "motion_control.h"
# include "cardreader.h"
# include "watchdog.h"
# include "ConfigurationStore.h"
# include "language.h"
# include "pins_arduino.h"
# if NUM_SERVOS > 0
# include "Servo.h"
# endif
# if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1
# include <SPI.h>
# endif
# define VERSION_STRING "1.0.0"
// look here for descriptions of gcodes: http://linuxcnc.org/handbook/gcode/g-code.html
// http://objects.reprap.org/wiki/Mendel_User_Manual:_RepRapGCodes
//Implemented Codes
// G0 -> G1
// G1 - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E
// G2 - CW ARC
// G3 - CCW ARC
// G4 - Dwell S<seconds> or P<milliseconds>
// G10 - retract filament according to settings of M207
// G11 - retract recover filament according to settings of M208
// G28 - Home all Axis
// G90 - Use Absolute Coordinates
// G91 - Use Relative Coordinates
// G92 - Set current position to cordinates given
//RepRap M Codes
// M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user to press a button on the LCD (Only if ULTRA_LCD is enabled)
// M1 - Same as M0
// M104 - Set extruder target temp
// M105 - Read current temp
// M106 - Fan on
// M107 - Fan off
// M109 - Wait for extruder current temp to reach target temp.
// M114 - Display current position
//Custom M Codes
// M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors
// M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84
// M20 - List SD card
// M21 - Init SD card
// M22 - Release SD card
// M23 - Select SD file (M23 filename.g)
// M24 - Start/resume SD print
// M25 - Pause SD print
// M26 - Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345)
// M27 - Report SD print status
// M28 - Start SD write (M28 filename.g)
// M29 - Stop SD write
// M30 - Delete file from SD (M30 filename.g)
// M31 - Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial
// M42 - Change pin status via gcode Use M42 Px Sy to set pin x to value y, when omitting Px the onboard led will be used.
// M80 - Turn on Power Supply
// M81 - Turn off Power Supply
// M82 - Set E codes absolute (default)
// M83 - Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode
// M84 - Disable steppers until next move,
// or use S<seconds> to specify an inactivity timeout, after which the steppers will be disabled. S0 to disable the timeout.
// M85 - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. To disable set zero (default)
// M92 - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92
// M114 - Output current position to serial port
// M115 - Capabilities string
// M117 - display message
// M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port
// M126 - Solenoid Air Valve Open (BariCUDA support by jmil)
// M127 - Solenoid Air Valve Closed (BariCUDA vent to atmospheric pressure by jmil)
// M128 - EtoP Open (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)
// M129 - EtoP Closed (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)
// M140 - Set bed target temp
// M190 - Wait for bed current temp to reach target temp.
// M200 - Set filament diameter
// M201 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for print moves (M201 X1000 Y1000)
// M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!!
// M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec
// M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate
// M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk, E=maximum E jerk
// M206 - set additional homeing offset
// M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/sec] Z[additional zlift/hop]
// M208 - set recover=unretract length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec]
// M209 - S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.
// M218 - set hotend offset (in mm): T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y>
// M220 S<factor in percent>- set speed factor override percentage
// M221 S<factor in percent>- set extrude factor override percentage
// M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph
// M280 - set servo position absolute. P: servo index, S: angle or microseconds
// M300 - Play beepsound S<frequency Hz> P<duration ms>
// M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D
// M302 - Allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude S<temperature>.
// M303 - PID relay autotune S<temperature> sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C)
// M304 - Set bed PID parameters P I and D
// M400 - Finish all moves
// M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM
// M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily).
// M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to.
// M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom)
// M540 - Use S[0|1] to enable or disable the stop SD card print on endstop hit (requires ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT_FEATURE_ENABLED)
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
// M600 - Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
// M907 - Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes.
// M908 - Control digital trimpot directly.
// M350 - Set microstepping mode.
// M351 - Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly.
// M928 - Start SD logging (M928 filename.g) - ended by M29
// M999 - Restart after being stopped by error
//Stepper Movement Variables
//=============================imported variables============================
//=============================public variables=============================
CardReader card ;
# endif
float homing_feedrate [ ] = HOMING_FEEDRATE ;
bool axis_relative_modes [ ] = AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES ;
int feedmultiply = 100 ; //100->1 200->2
int saved_feedmultiply ;
int extrudemultiply = 100 ; //100->1 200->2
float current_position [ NUM_AXIS ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
float add_homeing [ 3 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
float min_pos [ 3 ] = { X_MIN_POS , Y_MIN_POS , Z_MIN_POS } ;
float max_pos [ 3 ] = { X_MAX_POS , Y_MAX_POS , Z_MAX_POS } ;
// Extruder offset, only in XY plane
# if EXTRUDERS > 1
float extruder_offset [ 2 ] [ EXTRUDERS ] = {
# if defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X) && defined(EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y)
# endif
} ;
# endif
uint8_t active_extruder = 0 ;
int fanSpeed = 0 ;
int servo_endstops [ ] = SERVO_ENDSTOPS ;
int servo_endstop_angles [ ] = SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES ;
# endif
# ifdef BARICUDA
int ValvePressure = 0 ;
int EtoPPressure = 0 ;
# endif
bool autoretract_enabled = true ;
bool retracted = false ;
float retract_length = 3 , retract_feedrate = 17 * 60 , retract_zlift = 0.8 ;
float retract_recover_length = 0 , retract_recover_feedrate = 8 * 60 ;
# endif
//=============================private variables=============================
const char axis_codes [ NUM_AXIS ] = { ' X ' , ' Y ' , ' Z ' , ' E ' } ;
static float destination [ NUM_AXIS ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
# ifdef DELTA
static float delta [ 3 ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
# endif
static float offset [ 3 ] = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
static bool home_all_axis = true ;
static float feedrate = 1500.0 , next_feedrate , saved_feedrate ;
static long gcode_N , gcode_LastN , Stopped_gcode_LastN = 0 ;
static bool relative_mode = false ; //Determines Absolute or Relative Coordinates
static char cmdbuffer [ BUFSIZE ] [ MAX_CMD_SIZE ] ;
static bool fromsd [ BUFSIZE ] ;
static int bufindr = 0 ;
static int bufindw = 0 ;
static int buflen = 0 ;
//static int i = 0;
static char serial_char ;
static int serial_count = 0 ;
static boolean comment_mode = false ;
static char * strchr_pointer ; // just a pointer to find chars in the cmd string like X, Y, Z, E, etc
const int sensitive_pins [ ] = SENSITIVE_PINS ; // Sensitive pin list for M42
//static float tt = 0;
//static float bt = 0;
//Inactivity shutdown variables
static unsigned long previous_millis_cmd = 0 ;
static unsigned long max_inactive_time = 0 ;
static unsigned long stepper_inactive_time = DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME * 1000l ;
unsigned long starttime = 0 ;
unsigned long stoptime = 0 ;
static uint8_t tmp_extruder ;
bool Stopped = false ;
# if NUM_SERVOS > 0
Servo servos [ NUM_SERVOS ] ;
# endif
void get_arc_coordinates ( ) ;
bool setTargetedHotend ( int code ) ;
void serial_echopair_P ( const char * s_P , float v )
{ serialprintPGM ( s_P ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( v ) ; }
void serial_echopair_P ( const char * s_P , double v )
{ serialprintPGM ( s_P ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( v ) ; }
void serial_echopair_P ( const char * s_P , unsigned long v )
{ serialprintPGM ( s_P ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( v ) ; }
extern " C " {
extern unsigned int __bss_end ;
extern unsigned int __heap_start ;
extern void * __brkval ;
int freeMemory ( ) {
int free_memory ;
if ( ( int ) __brkval = = 0 )
free_memory = ( ( int ) & free_memory ) - ( ( int ) & __bss_end ) ;
free_memory = ( ( int ) & free_memory ) - ( ( int ) __brkval ) ;
return free_memory ;
//adds an command to the main command buffer
//thats really done in a non-safe way.
//needs overworking someday
void enquecommand ( const char * cmd )
if ( buflen < BUFSIZE )
//this is dangerous if a mixing of serial and this happsens
strcpy ( & ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ 0 ] ) , cmd ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " enqueing \" " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] ) ;
bufindw = ( bufindw + 1 ) % BUFSIZE ;
buflen + = 1 ;
void enquecommand_P ( const char * cmd )
if ( buflen < BUFSIZE )
//this is dangerous if a mixing of serial and this happsens
strcpy_P ( & ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ 0 ] ) , cmd ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " enqueing \" " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] ) ;
bufindw = ( bufindw + 1 ) % BUFSIZE ;
buflen + = 1 ;
void setup_killpin ( )
# if defined(KILL_PIN) && KILL_PIN > -1
pinMode ( KILL_PIN , INPUT ) ;
# endif
void setup_photpin ( )
# endif
void setup_powerhold ( )
# if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1
# endif
void suicide ( )
# if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1
# endif
void servo_init ( )
# if (NUM_SERVOS >= 1) && defined(SERVO0_PIN) && (SERVO0_PIN > -1)
servos [ 0 ] . attach ( SERVO0_PIN ) ;
# endif
# if (NUM_SERVOS >= 2) && defined(SERVO1_PIN) && (SERVO1_PIN > -1)
servos [ 1 ] . attach ( SERVO1_PIN ) ;
# endif
# if (NUM_SERVOS >= 3) && defined(SERVO2_PIN) && (SERVO2_PIN > -1)
servos [ 2 ] . attach ( SERVO2_PIN ) ;
# endif
# if (NUM_SERVOS >= 4) && defined(SERVO3_PIN) && (SERVO3_PIN > -1)
servos [ 3 ] . attach ( SERVO3_PIN ) ;
# endif
# if (NUM_SERVOS >= 5)
# error "TODO: enter initalisation code for more servos"
# endif
// Set position of Servo Endstops that are defined
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
if ( servo_endstops [ i ] > - 1 ) {
servos [ servo_endstops [ i ] ] . write ( servo_endstop_angles [ i * 2 + 1 ] ) ;
# endif
void setup ( )
setup_killpin ( ) ;
setup_powerhold ( ) ;
// Check startup - does nothing if bootloader sets MCUSR to 0
byte mcu = MCUSR ;
MCUSR = 0 ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " Compiled: " ) ;
# endif
# endif
SERIAL_ECHO ( freeMemory ( ) ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOLN ( ( int ) sizeof ( block_t ) * BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < BUFSIZE ; i + + )
fromsd [ i ] = false ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
// loads data from EEPROM if available else uses defaults (and resets step acceleration rate)
Config_RetrieveSettings ( ) ;
tp_init ( ) ; // Initialize temperature loop
plan_init ( ) ; // Initialize planner;
watchdog_init ( ) ;
st_init ( ) ; // Initialize stepper, this enables interrupts!
setup_photpin ( ) ;
servo_init ( ) ;
lcd_init ( ) ;
SET_OUTPUT ( CONTROLLERFAN_PIN ) ; //Set pin used for driver cooling fan
# endif
void loop ( )
if ( buflen < ( BUFSIZE - 1 ) )
get_command ( ) ;
card . checkautostart ( false ) ;
# endif
if ( buflen )
if ( card . saving )
if ( strstr_P ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] , PSTR ( " M29 " ) ) = = NULL )
card . write_command ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] ) ;
if ( card . logging )
process_commands ( ) ;
card . closefile ( ) ;
process_commands ( ) ;
# else
process_commands ( ) ;
# endif //SDSUPPORT
buflen = ( buflen - 1 ) ;
bufindr = ( bufindr + 1 ) % BUFSIZE ;
//check heater every n milliseconds
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
checkHitEndstops ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
void get_command ( )
while ( MYSERIAL . available ( ) > 0 & & buflen < BUFSIZE ) {
serial_char = MYSERIAL . read ( ) ;
if ( serial_char = = ' \n ' | |
serial_char = = ' \r ' | |
( serial_char = = ' : ' & & comment_mode = = false ) | |
serial_count > = ( MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1 ) )
if ( ! serial_count ) { //if empty line
comment_mode = false ; //for new command
return ;
cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ serial_count ] = 0 ; //terminate string
if ( ! comment_mode ) {
comment_mode = false ; //for new command
fromsd [ bufindw ] = false ;
if ( strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' N ' ) ! = NULL )
strchr_pointer = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' N ' ) ;
gcode_N = ( strtol ( & cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] + 1 ] , NULL , 10 ) ) ;
if ( gcode_N ! = gcode_LastN + 1 & & ( strstr_P ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , PSTR ( " M110 " ) ) = = NULL ) ) {
SERIAL_ERRORLN ( gcode_LastN ) ;
FlushSerialRequestResend ( ) ;
serial_count = 0 ;
return ;
if ( strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' * ' ) ! = NULL )
byte checksum = 0 ;
byte count = 0 ;
while ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ count ] ! = ' * ' ) checksum = checksum ^ cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ count + + ] ;
strchr_pointer = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' * ' ) ;
if ( ( int ) ( strtod ( & cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] + 1 ] , NULL ) ) ! = checksum ) {
SERIAL_ERRORLN ( gcode_LastN ) ;
FlushSerialRequestResend ( ) ;
serial_count = 0 ;
return ;
//if no errors, continue parsing
SERIAL_ERRORLN ( gcode_LastN ) ;
FlushSerialRequestResend ( ) ;
serial_count = 0 ;
return ;
gcode_LastN = gcode_N ;
//if no errors, continue parsing
else // if we don't receive 'N' but still see '*'
if ( ( strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' * ' ) ! = NULL ) )
SERIAL_ERRORLN ( gcode_LastN ) ;
serial_count = 0 ;
return ;
if ( ( strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' G ' ) ! = NULL ) ) {
strchr_pointer = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] , ' G ' ) ;
switch ( ( int ) ( ( strtod ( & cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] + 1 ] , NULL ) ) ) ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
if ( Stopped = = false ) { // If printer is stopped by an error the G[0-3] codes are ignored.
if ( card . saving )
break ;
# endif //SDSUPPORT
else {
break ;
default :
break ;
bufindw = ( bufindw + 1 ) % BUFSIZE ;
buflen + = 1 ;
serial_count = 0 ; //clear buffer
if ( serial_char = = ' ; ' ) comment_mode = true ;
if ( ! comment_mode ) cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ serial_count + + ] = serial_char ;
if ( ! card . sdprinting | | serial_count ! = 0 ) {
return ;
while ( ! card . eof ( ) & & buflen < BUFSIZE ) {
int16_t n = card . get ( ) ;
serial_char = ( char ) n ;
if ( serial_char = = ' \n ' | |
serial_char = = ' \r ' | |
( serial_char = = ' : ' & & comment_mode = = false ) | |
serial_count > = ( MAX_CMD_SIZE - 1 ) | | n = = - 1 )
if ( card . eof ( ) ) {
stoptime = millis ( ) ;
char time [ 30 ] ;
unsigned long t = ( stoptime - starttime ) / 1000 ;
int hours , minutes ;
minutes = ( t / 60 ) % 60 ;
hours = t / 60 / 60 ;
sprintf_P ( time , PSTR ( " %i hours %i minutes " ) , hours , minutes ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOLN ( time ) ;
lcd_setstatus ( time ) ;
card . printingHasFinished ( ) ;
card . checkautostart ( true ) ;
if ( ! serial_count )
comment_mode = false ; //for new command
return ; //if empty line
cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ serial_count ] = 0 ; //terminate string
// if(!comment_mode){
fromsd [ bufindw ] = true ;
buflen + = 1 ;
bufindw = ( bufindw + 1 ) % BUFSIZE ;
// }
comment_mode = false ; //for new command
serial_count = 0 ; //clear buffer
if ( serial_char = = ' ; ' ) comment_mode = true ;
if ( ! comment_mode ) cmdbuffer [ bufindw ] [ serial_count + + ] = serial_char ;
# endif //SDSUPPORT
float code_value ( )
return ( strtod ( & cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] [ strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] + 1 ] , NULL ) ) ;
long code_value_long ( )
return ( strtol ( & cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] [ strchr_pointer - cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] + 1 ] , NULL , 10 ) ) ;
bool code_seen ( char code )
strchr_pointer = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] , code ) ;
return ( strchr_pointer ! = NULL ) ; //Return True if a character was found
# define DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY(type, reader) \
static inline type pgm_read_any ( const type * p ) \
{ return pgm_read_ # # reader # # _near ( p ) ; }
DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY ( float , float ) ;
DEFINE_PGM_READ_ANY ( signed char , byte ) ;
# define XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG(type, array, CONFIG) \
static const PROGMEM type array # # _P [ 3 ] = \
{ X_ # # CONFIG , Y_ # # CONFIG , Z_ # # CONFIG } ; \
static inline type array ( int axis ) \
{ return pgm_read_any ( & array # # _P [ axis ] ) ; }
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( float , base_min_pos , MIN_POS ) ;
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( float , base_max_pos , MAX_POS ) ;
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( float , base_home_pos , HOME_POS ) ;
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( float , max_length , MAX_LENGTH ) ;
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( float , home_retract_mm , HOME_RETRACT_MM ) ;
XYZ_CONSTS_FROM_CONFIG ( signed char , home_dir , HOME_DIR ) ;
static void axis_is_at_home ( int axis ) {
current_position [ axis ] = base_home_pos ( axis ) + add_homeing [ axis ] ;
min_pos [ axis ] = base_min_pos ( axis ) + add_homeing [ axis ] ;
max_pos [ axis ] = base_max_pos ( axis ) + add_homeing [ axis ] ;
static void homeaxis ( int axis ) {
( ( LETTER # # _MIN_PIN > - 1 & & LETTER # # _HOME_DIR = = - 1 ) | | ( LETTER # # _MAX_PIN > - 1 & & LETTER # # _HOME_DIR = = 1 ) )
if ( axis = = X_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO ( X ) :
axis = = Y_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO ( Y ) :
axis = = Z_AXIS ? HOMEAXIS_DO ( Z ) :
0 ) {
// Engage Servo endstop if enabled
# ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS[axis] > -1
servos [ servo_endstops [ axis ] ] . write ( servo_endstop_angles [ axis * 2 ] ) ;
# endif
current_position [ axis ] = 0 ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
destination [ axis ] = 1.5 * max_length ( axis ) * home_dir ( axis ) ;
feedrate = homing_feedrate [ axis ] ;
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
current_position [ axis ] = 0 ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
destination [ axis ] = - home_retract_mm ( axis ) * home_dir ( axis ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
destination [ axis ] = 2 * home_retract_mm ( axis ) * home_dir ( axis ) ;
feedrate = homing_feedrate [ axis ] / 2 ;
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
axis_is_at_home ( axis ) ;
destination [ axis ] = current_position [ axis ] ;
feedrate = 0.0 ;
endstops_hit_on_purpose ( ) ;
// Retract Servo endstop if enabled
# ifdef SERVO_ENDSTOPS[axis] > -1
servos [ servo_endstops [ axis ] ] . write ( servo_endstop_angles [ axis * 2 + 1 ] ) ;
# endif
# define HOMEAXIS(LETTER) homeaxis(LETTER##_AXIS)
void process_commands ( )
unsigned long codenum ; //throw away variable
char * starpos = NULL ;
if ( code_seen ( ' G ' ) )
switch ( ( int ) code_value ( ) )
case 0 : // G0 -> G1
case 1 : // G1
if ( Stopped = = false ) {
get_coordinates ( ) ; // For X Y Z E F
prepare_move ( ) ;
return ;
case 2 : // G2 - CW ARC
if ( Stopped = = false ) {
get_arc_coordinates ( ) ;
prepare_arc_move ( true ) ;
return ;
case 3 : // G3 - CCW ARC
if ( Stopped = = false ) {
get_arc_coordinates ( ) ;
prepare_arc_move ( false ) ;
return ;
case 4 : // G4 dwell
codenum = 0 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) ) codenum = code_value ( ) ; // milliseconds to wait
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) codenum = code_value ( ) * 1000 ; // seconds to wait
st_synchronize ( ) ;
codenum + = millis ( ) ; // keep track of when we started waiting
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
while ( millis ( ) < codenum ) {
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
break ;
case 10 : // G10 retract
if ( ! retracted )
destination [ X_AXIS ] = current_position [ X_AXIS ] ;
destination [ Y_AXIS ] = current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ;
destination [ Z_AXIS ] = current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ;
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] + = - retract_zlift ;
destination [ E_AXIS ] = current_position [ E_AXIS ] - retract_length ;
feedrate = retract_feedrate ;
retracted = true ;
prepare_move ( ) ;
break ;
case 11 : // G10 retract_recover
if ( ! retracted )
destination [ X_AXIS ] = current_position [ X_AXIS ] ;
destination [ Y_AXIS ] = current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ;
destination [ Z_AXIS ] = current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ;
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] + = retract_zlift ;
current_position [ E_AXIS ] + = - retract_recover_length ;
feedrate = retract_recover_feedrate ;
retracted = false ;
prepare_move ( ) ;
break ;
# endif //FWRETRACT
case 28 : //G28 Home all Axis one at a time
saved_feedrate = feedrate ;
saved_feedmultiply = feedmultiply ;
feedmultiply = 100 ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
enable_endstops ( true ) ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
destination [ i ] = current_position [ i ] ;
feedrate = 0.0 ;
home_all_axis = ! ( ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 0 ] ) ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 1 ] ) ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 2 ] ) ) )
| | ( ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 0 ] ) ) & & ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 1 ] ) ) & & ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 2 ] ) ) ) ;
# if Z_HOME_DIR > 0 // If homing away from BED do Z first
if ( ( home_all_axis ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ Z_AXIS ] ) ) ) {
# endif
# ifdef QUICK_HOME
if ( ( home_all_axis ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ X_AXIS ] ) & & code_seen ( axis_codes [ Y_AXIS ] ) ) ) //first diagonal move
current_position [ X_AXIS ] = 0 ; current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = 0 ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
destination [ X_AXIS ] = 1.5 * X_MAX_LENGTH * X_HOME_DIR ; destination [ Y_AXIS ] = 1.5 * Y_MAX_LENGTH * Y_HOME_DIR ;
feedrate = homing_feedrate [ X_AXIS ] ;
if ( homing_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] < feedrate )
feedrate = homing_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] ;
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
axis_is_at_home ( X_AXIS ) ;
axis_is_at_home ( Y_AXIS ) ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
destination [ X_AXIS ] = current_position [ X_AXIS ] ;
destination [ Y_AXIS ] = current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ;
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
feedrate = 0.0 ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
endstops_hit_on_purpose ( ) ;
current_position [ X_AXIS ] = destination [ X_AXIS ] ;
current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = destination [ Y_AXIS ] ;
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = destination [ Z_AXIS ] ;
# endif
if ( ( home_all_axis ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ X_AXIS ] ) ) )
if ( ( home_all_axis ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ Y_AXIS ] ) ) ) {
# if Z_HOME_DIR < 0 // If homing towards BED do Z last
if ( ( home_all_axis ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ Z_AXIS ] ) ) ) {
# endif
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ X_AXIS ] ) )
if ( code_value_long ( ) ! = 0 ) {
current_position [ X_AXIS ] = code_value ( ) + add_homeing [ 0 ] ;
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ Y_AXIS ] ) ) {
if ( code_value_long ( ) ! = 0 ) {
current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = code_value ( ) + add_homeing [ 1 ] ;
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ Z_AXIS ] ) ) {
if ( code_value_long ( ) ! = 0 ) {
current_position [ Z_AXIS ] = code_value ( ) + add_homeing [ 2 ] ;
# ifdef DELTA
calculate_delta ( current_position ) ;
plan_set_position ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
# else
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
# endif
enable_endstops ( false ) ;
# endif
feedrate = saved_feedrate ;
feedmultiply = saved_feedmultiply ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
endstops_hit_on_purpose ( ) ;
break ;
case 90 : // G90
relative_mode = false ;
break ;
case 91 : // G91
relative_mode = true ;
break ;
case 92 : // G92
if ( ! code_seen ( axis_codes [ E_AXIS ] ) )
st_synchronize ( ) ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) {
if ( i = = E_AXIS ) {
current_position [ i ] = code_value ( ) ;
plan_set_e_position ( current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
else {
current_position [ i ] = code_value ( ) + add_homeing [ i ] ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
break ;
else if ( code_seen ( ' M ' ) )
switch ( ( int ) code_value ( ) )
case 0 : // M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user button press on LCD
case 1 : // M1 - Conditional stop - Wait for user button press on LCD
codenum = 0 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) ) codenum = code_value ( ) ; // milliseconds to wait
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) codenum = code_value ( ) * 1000 ; // seconds to wait
st_synchronize ( ) ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
if ( codenum > 0 ) {
codenum + = millis ( ) ; // keep track of when we started waiting
while ( millis ( ) < codenum & & ! lcd_clicked ( ) ) {
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
} else {
while ( ! lcd_clicked ( ) ) {
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
break ;
# endif
case 17 :
enable_x ( ) ;
enable_y ( ) ;
enable_z ( ) ;
enable_e0 ( ) ;
enable_e1 ( ) ;
enable_e2 ( ) ;
break ;
case 20 : // M20 - list SD card
card . ls ( ) ;
break ;
case 21 : // M21 - init SD card
card . initsd ( ) ;
break ;
case 22 : //M22 - release SD card
card . release ( ) ;
break ;
case 23 : //M23 - Select file
starpos = ( strchr ( strchr_pointer + 4 , ' * ' ) ) ;
if ( starpos ! = NULL )
* ( starpos - 1 ) = ' \0 ' ;
card . openFile ( strchr_pointer + 4 , true ) ;
break ;
case 24 : //M24 - Start SD print
card . startFileprint ( ) ;
starttime = millis ( ) ;
break ;
case 25 : //M25 - Pause SD print
card . pauseSDPrint ( ) ;
break ;
case 26 : //M26 - Set SD index
if ( card . cardOK & & code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
card . setIndex ( code_value_long ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 27 : //M27 - Get SD status
card . getStatus ( ) ;
break ;
case 28 : //M28 - Start SD write
starpos = ( strchr ( strchr_pointer + 4 , ' * ' ) ) ;
if ( starpos ! = NULL ) {
char * npos = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] , ' N ' ) ;
strchr_pointer = strchr ( npos , ' ' ) + 1 ;
* ( starpos - 1 ) = ' \0 ' ;
card . openFile ( strchr_pointer + 4 , false ) ;
break ;
case 29 : //M29 - Stop SD write
//processed in write to file routine above
//card,saving = false;
break ;
case 30 : //M30 <filename> Delete File
if ( card . cardOK ) {
card . closefile ( ) ;
starpos = ( strchr ( strchr_pointer + 4 , ' * ' ) ) ;
if ( starpos ! = NULL ) {
char * npos = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] , ' N ' ) ;
strchr_pointer = strchr ( npos , ' ' ) + 1 ;
* ( starpos - 1 ) = ' \0 ' ;
card . removeFile ( strchr_pointer + 4 ) ;
break ;
case 928 : //M928 - Start SD write
starpos = ( strchr ( strchr_pointer + 5 , ' * ' ) ) ;
if ( starpos ! = NULL ) {
char * npos = strchr ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] , ' N ' ) ;
strchr_pointer = strchr ( npos , ' ' ) + 1 ;
* ( starpos - 1 ) = ' \0 ' ;
card . openLogFile ( strchr_pointer + 5 ) ;
break ;
# endif //SDSUPPORT
case 31 : //M31 take time since the start of the SD print or an M109 command
stoptime = millis ( ) ;
char time [ 30 ] ;
unsigned long t = ( stoptime - starttime ) / 1000 ;
int sec , min ;
min = t / 60 ;
sec = t % 60 ;
sprintf_P ( time , PSTR ( " %i min, %i sec " ) , min , sec ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOLN ( time ) ;
lcd_setstatus ( time ) ;
autotempShutdown ( ) ;
break ;
case 42 : //M42 -Change pin status via gcode
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
int pin_status = code_value ( ) ;
int pin_number = LED_PIN ;
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) & & pin_status > = 0 & & pin_status < = 255 )
pin_number = code_value ( ) ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < ( int8_t ) sizeof ( sensitive_pins ) ; i + + )
if ( sensitive_pins [ i ] = = pin_number )
pin_number = - 1 ;
break ;
# if defined(FAN_PIN) && FAN_PIN > -1
if ( pin_number = = FAN_PIN )
fanSpeed = pin_status ;
# endif
if ( pin_number > - 1 )
pinMode ( pin_number , OUTPUT ) ;
digitalWrite ( pin_number , pin_status ) ;
analogWrite ( pin_number , pin_status ) ;
break ;
case 104 : // M104
if ( setTargetedHotend ( 104 ) ) {
break ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) setTargetHotend ( code_value ( ) , tmp_extruder ) ;
setWatch ( ) ;
break ;
case 140 : // M140 set bed temp
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) setTargetBed ( code_value ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 105 : // M105
if ( setTargetedHotend ( 105 ) ) {
break ;
# if defined(TEMP_0_PIN) && TEMP_0_PIN > -1
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degHotend ( tmp_extruder ) , 1 ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degTargetHotend ( tmp_extruder ) , 1 ) ;
# if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degBed ( ) , 1 ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degTargetBed ( ) , 1 ) ;
# endif //TEMP_BED_PIN
# else
# endif
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( getHeaterPower ( tmp_extruder ) ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( getHeaterPower ( - 1 ) ) ;
return ;
break ;
case 109 :
{ // M109 - Wait for extruder heater to reach target.
if ( setTargetedHotend ( 109 ) ) {
break ;
# ifdef AUTOTEMP
autotemp_enabled = false ;
# endif
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) setTargetHotend ( code_value ( ) , tmp_extruder ) ;
# ifdef AUTOTEMP
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) autotemp_min = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) autotemp_max = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' F ' ) )
autotemp_factor = code_value ( ) ;
autotemp_enabled = true ;
# endif
setWatch ( ) ;
codenum = millis ( ) ;
/* See if we are heating up or cooling down */
bool target_direction = isHeatingHotend ( tmp_extruder ) ; // true if heating, false if cooling
long residencyStart ;
residencyStart = - 1 ;
/* continue to loop until we have reached the target temp
_and_ until TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME hasn ' t passed since we reached it */
while ( ( residencyStart = = - 1 ) | |
( residencyStart > = 0 & & ( ( ( unsigned int ) ( millis ( ) - residencyStart ) ) < ( TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME * 1000UL ) ) ) ) {
# else
while ( target_direction ? ( isHeatingHotend ( tmp_extruder ) ) : ( isCoolingHotend ( tmp_extruder ) & & ( CooldownNoWait = = false ) ) ) {
if ( ( millis ( ) - codenum ) > 1000UL )
{ //Print Temp Reading and remaining time every 1 second while heating up/cooling down
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degHotend ( tmp_extruder ) , 1 ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( ( int ) tmp_extruder ) ;
if ( residencyStart > - 1 )
codenum = ( ( TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME * 1000UL ) - ( millis ( ) - residencyStart ) ) / 1000UL ;
# else
# endif
codenum = millis ( ) ;
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
/* start/restart the TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME timer whenever we reach target temp for the first time
or when current temp falls outside the hysteresis after target temp was reached */
if ( ( residencyStart = = - 1 & & target_direction & & ( degHotend ( tmp_extruder ) > = ( degTargetHotend ( tmp_extruder ) - TEMP_WINDOW ) ) ) | |
( residencyStart = = - 1 & & ! target_direction & & ( degHotend ( tmp_extruder ) < = ( degTargetHotend ( tmp_extruder ) + TEMP_WINDOW ) ) ) | |
( residencyStart > - 1 & & labs ( degHotend ( tmp_extruder ) - degTargetHotend ( tmp_extruder ) ) > TEMP_HYSTERESIS ) )
residencyStart = millis ( ) ;
starttime = millis ( ) ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
break ;
case 190 : // M190 - Wait for bed heater to reach target.
# if defined(TEMP_BED_PIN) && TEMP_BED_PIN > -1
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) setTargetBed ( code_value ( ) ) ;
codenum = millis ( ) ;
while ( isHeatingBed ( ) )
if ( ( millis ( ) - codenum ) > 1000 ) //Print Temp Reading every 1 second while heating up.
float tt = degHotend ( active_extruder ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( ( int ) active_extruder ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL_F ( degBed ( ) , 1 ) ;
codenum = millis ( ) ;
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
# if defined(FAN_PIN) && FAN_PIN > -1
case 106 : //M106 Fan On
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
fanSpeed = constrain ( code_value ( ) , 0 , 255 ) ;
else {
fanSpeed = 255 ;
break ;
case 107 : //M107 Fan Off
fanSpeed = 0 ;
break ;
# endif //FAN_PIN
# ifdef BARICUDA
# if defined(HEATER_1_PIN) && HEATER_1_PIN > -1
case 126 : //M126 valve open
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
ValvePressure = constrain ( code_value ( ) , 0 , 255 ) ;
else {
ValvePressure = 255 ;
break ;
case 127 : //M127 valve closed
ValvePressure = 0 ;
break ;
# endif //HEATER_1_PIN
# if defined(HEATER_2_PIN) && HEATER_2_PIN > -1
case 128 : //M128 valve open
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
EtoPPressure = constrain ( code_value ( ) , 0 , 255 ) ;
else {
EtoPPressure = 255 ;
break ;
case 129 : //M129 valve closed
EtoPPressure = 0 ;
break ;
# endif //HEATER_2_PIN
# endif
# if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1
case 80 : // M80 - ATX Power On
break ;
# endif
case 81 : // M81 - ATX Power Off
# if defined(SUICIDE_PIN) && SUICIDE_PIN > -1
st_synchronize ( ) ;
suicide ( ) ;
# elif defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1
# endif
break ;
case 82 :
axis_relative_modes [ 3 ] = false ;
break ;
case 83 :
axis_relative_modes [ 3 ] = true ;
break ;
case 18 : //compatibility
case 84 : // M84
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
stepper_inactive_time = code_value ( ) * 1000 ;
bool all_axis = ! ( ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 0 ] ) ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 1 ] ) ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 2 ] ) ) | | ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ 3 ] ) ) ) ;
if ( all_axis )
st_synchronize ( ) ;
disable_e0 ( ) ;
disable_e1 ( ) ;
disable_e2 ( ) ;
finishAndDisableSteppers ( ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' X ' ) ) disable_x ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' Y ' ) ) disable_y ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' Z ' ) ) disable_z ( ) ;
# if ((E0_ENABLE_PIN != X_ENABLE_PIN) && (E1_ENABLE_PIN != Y_ENABLE_PIN)) // Only enable on boards that have seperate ENABLE_PINS
if ( code_seen ( ' E ' ) ) {
disable_e0 ( ) ;
disable_e1 ( ) ;
disable_e2 ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 85 : // M85
code_seen ( ' S ' ) ;
max_inactive_time = code_value ( ) * 1000 ;
break ;
case 92 : // M92
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + )
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) )
if ( i = = 3 ) { // E
float value = code_value ( ) ;
if ( value < 20.0 ) {
float factor = axis_steps_per_unit [ i ] / value ; // increase e constants if M92 E14 is given for netfab.
max_e_jerk * = factor ;
max_feedrate [ i ] * = factor ;
axis_steps_per_sqr_second [ i ] * = factor ;
axis_steps_per_unit [ i ] = value ;
else {
axis_steps_per_unit [ i ] = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 115 : // M115
break ;
case 117 : // M117 display message
starpos = ( strchr ( strchr_pointer + 5 , ' * ' ) ) ;
if ( starpos ! = NULL )
* ( starpos - 1 ) = ' \0 ' ;
lcd_setstatus ( strchr_pointer + 5 ) ;
break ;
case 114 : // M114
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( float ( st_get_position ( X_AXIS ) ) / axis_steps_per_unit [ X_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( float ( st_get_position ( Y_AXIS ) ) / axis_steps_per_unit [ Y_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( float ( st_get_position ( Z_AXIS ) ) / axis_steps_per_unit [ Z_AXIS ] ) ;
break ;
case 120 : // M120
enable_endstops ( false ) ;
break ;
case 121 : // M121
enable_endstops ( true ) ;
break ;
case 119 : // M119
# if defined(X_MIN_PIN) && X_MIN_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(X_MAX_PIN) && X_MAX_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(Y_MIN_PIN) && Y_MIN_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(Y_MAX_PIN) && Y_MAX_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(Z_MIN_PIN) && Z_MIN_PIN > -1
# endif
# if defined(Z_MAX_PIN) && Z_MAX_PIN > -1
# endif
break ;
//TODO: update for all axis, use for loop
case 201 : // M201
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + )
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) )
max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ i ] = code_value ( ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
// steps per sq second need to be updated to agree with the units per sq second (as they are what is used in the planner)
reset_acceleration_rates ( ) ;
break ;
#if 0 // Not used for Sprinter/grbl gen6
case 202 : // M202
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) axis_travel_steps_per_sqr_second [ i ] = code_value ( ) * axis_steps_per_unit [ i ] ;
break ;
# endif
case 203 : // M203 max feedrate mm/sec
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) max_feedrate [ i ] = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 204 : // M204 acclereration S normal moves T filmanent only moves
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) acceleration = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' T ' ) ) retract_acceleration = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 205 : //M205 advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) minimumfeedrate = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' T ' ) ) mintravelfeedrate = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) minsegmenttime = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' X ' ) ) max_xy_jerk = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' Z ' ) ) max_z_jerk = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' E ' ) ) max_e_jerk = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 206 : // M206 additional homeing offset
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) add_homeing [ i ] = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 207 : //M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/sec] Z[additional zlift/hop]
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
retract_length = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' F ' ) )
retract_feedrate = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' Z ' ) )
retract_zlift = code_value ( ) ;
} break ;
case 208 : // M208 - set retract recover length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec]
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
retract_recover_length = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' F ' ) )
retract_recover_feedrate = code_value ( ) ;
} break ;
case 209 : // M209 - S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
int t = code_value ( ) ;
switch ( t )
case 0 : autoretract_enabled = false ; retracted = false ; break ;
case 1 : autoretract_enabled = true ; retracted = false ; break ;
default :
SERIAL_ECHO ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] ) ;
} break ;
# endif // FWRETRACT
# if EXTRUDERS > 1
case 218 : // M218 - set hotend offset (in mm), T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y>
if ( setTargetedHotend ( 218 ) ) {
break ;
if ( code_seen ( ' X ' ) )
extruder_offset [ X_AXIS ] [ tmp_extruder ] = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' Y ' ) )
extruder_offset [ Y_AXIS ] [ tmp_extruder ] = code_value ( ) ;
for ( tmp_extruder = 0 ; tmp_extruder < EXTRUDERS ; tmp_extruder + + )
SERIAL_ECHO ( " " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( extruder_offset [ X_AXIS ] [ tmp_extruder ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( " , " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( extruder_offset [ Y_AXIS ] [ tmp_extruder ] ) ;
} break ;
# endif
case 220 : // M220 S<factor in percent>- set speed factor override percentage
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
feedmultiply = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
case 221 : // M221 S<factor in percent>- set extrude factor override percentage
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) )
extrudemultiply = code_value ( ) ;
break ;
# if NUM_SERVOS > 0
case 280 : // M280 - set servo position absolute. P: servo index, S: angle or microseconds
int servo_index = - 1 ;
int servo_position = 0 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) )
servo_index = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) {
servo_position = code_value ( ) ;
if ( ( servo_index > = 0 ) & & ( servo_index < NUM_SERVOS ) ) {
servos [ servo_index ] . write ( servo_position ) ;
else {
SERIAL_ECHO ( " Servo " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( servo_index ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOLN ( " out of range " ) ;
else if ( servo_index > = 0 ) {
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " Servo " ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( servo_index ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( servos [ servo_index ] . read ( ) ) ;
break ;
# endif // NUM_SERVOS > 0
# if LARGE_FLASH == true && ( BEEPER > 0 || defined(ULTRALCD) )
case 300 : // M300
int beepS = code_seen ( ' S ' ) ? code_value ( ) : 110 ;
int beepP = code_seen ( ' P ' ) ? code_value ( ) : 1000 ;
if ( beepS > 0 )
# if BEEPER > 0
tone ( BEEPER , beepS ) ;
delay ( beepP ) ;
noTone ( BEEPER ) ;
# elif defined(ULTRALCD)
lcd_buzz ( beepS , beepP ) ;
# endif
delay ( beepP ) ;
break ;
# endif // M300
# ifdef PIDTEMP
case 301 : // M301
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) ) Kp = code_value ( ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
if ( code_seen ( ' I ' ) ) Ki = scalePID_i ( code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' D ' ) ) Kd = scalePID_d ( code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' C ' ) ) Kc = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
updatePID ( ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " p: " ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " i: " ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( unscalePID_i ( Ki ) ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " d: " ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( unscalePID_d ( Kd ) ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " c: " ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
//Kc does not have scaling applied above, or in resetting defaults
# endif
break ;
# endif //PIDTEMP
case 304 : // M304
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) ) bedKp = code_value ( ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
if ( code_seen ( ' I ' ) ) bedKi = scalePID_i ( code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' D ' ) ) bedKd = scalePID_d ( code_value ( ) ) ;
updatePID ( ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " p: " ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " i: " ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( unscalePID_i ( bedKi ) ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( " d: " ) ;
Allow Edit menu to call fn after edit; Fix PID Ki and Kd display in menus; Actually use changed PID and Max Accel values
Add new 'callback' edit-menu types that call a function after the edit is done. Use this to display and edit Ki and Kd correctly (removing the scaling first and reapplying it after). Also use it to reset maximum stepwise acceleration rates, after updating mm/s^2 rates via menus. (Previously, changes did nothing to affect planner unless saved back to EEPROM, and the machine reset).
Add calls to updatePID() so that PID loop uses updated values whether set by gcode (it already did this), or by restoring defaults, or loading from EEPROM (it didn't do those last two). Similarly, update the maximum step/s^2 accel rates when the mm/s^2 values are changed - whether by menu edits, restore defaults, or EEPROM read.
Refactor the acceleration rate update logic, and the PID scaling logic, into new functions that can be called from wherever, including the callbacks.
Add menu items to allow the z jerk and e jerk to be viewed/edited in the Control->Motion menu, as per xy jerk.
12 years ago
SERIAL_PROTOCOL ( unscalePID_d ( bedKd ) ) ;
break ;
# endif //PIDTEMP
case 240 : // M240 Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 : http://www.doc-diy.net/photo/rc-1_hacked/
const uint8_t NUM_PULSES = 16 ;
const float PULSE_LENGTH = 0.01524 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_PULSES ; i + + ) {
_delay_ms ( PULSE_LENGTH ) ;
_delay_ms ( PULSE_LENGTH ) ;
delay ( 7.33 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_PULSES ; i + + ) {
_delay_ms ( PULSE_LENGTH ) ;
_delay_ms ( PULSE_LENGTH ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 302 : // allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude temperature
float temp = .0 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) temp = code_value ( ) ;
set_extrude_min_temp ( temp ) ;
break ;
# endif
case 303 : // M303 PID autotune
float temp = 150.0 ;
int e = 0 ;
int c = 5 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' E ' ) ) e = code_value ( ) ;
if ( e < 0 )
temp = 70 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) temp = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' C ' ) ) c = code_value ( ) ;
PID_autotune ( temp , e , c ) ;
break ;
case 400 : // M400 finish all moves
st_synchronize ( ) ;
break ;
case 500 : // M500 Store settings in EEPROM
Config_StoreSettings ( ) ;
break ;
case 501 : // M501 Read settings from EEPROM
Config_RetrieveSettings ( ) ;
break ;
case 502 : // M502 Revert to default settings
Config_ResetDefault ( ) ;
break ;
case 503 : // M503 print settings currently in memory
Config_PrintSettings ( ) ;
break ;
case 540 :
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) abort_on_endstop_hit = code_value ( ) > 0 ;
break ;
# endif
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
case 600 : //Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
float target [ 4 ] ;
float lastpos [ 4 ] ;
target [ X_AXIS ] = current_position [ X_AXIS ] ;
target [ Y_AXIS ] = current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ;
target [ Z_AXIS ] = current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ;
target [ E_AXIS ] = current_position [ E_AXIS ] ;
lastpos [ X_AXIS ] = current_position [ X_AXIS ] ;
lastpos [ Y_AXIS ] = current_position [ Y_AXIS ] ;
lastpos [ Z_AXIS ] = current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ;
lastpos [ E_AXIS ] = current_position [ E_AXIS ] ;
//retract by E
if ( code_seen ( ' E ' ) )
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
target [ E_AXIS ] + = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
plan_buffer_line ( target [ X_AXIS ] , target [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
//lift Z
if ( code_seen ( ' Z ' ) )
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
target [ Z_AXIS ] + = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
plan_buffer_line ( target [ X_AXIS ] , target [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
//move xy
if ( code_seen ( ' X ' ) )
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
target [ X_AXIS ] + = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
if ( code_seen ( ' Y ' ) )
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
target [ Y_AXIS ] = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
plan_buffer_line ( target [ X_AXIS ] , target [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
if ( code_seen ( ' L ' ) )
target [ E_AXIS ] + = code_value ( ) ;
# endif
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
plan_buffer_line ( target [ X_AXIS ] , target [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
//finish moves
st_synchronize ( ) ;
//disable extruder steppers so filament can be removed
disable_e0 ( ) ;
disable_e1 ( ) ;
disable_e2 ( ) ;
delay ( 100 ) ;
uint8_t cnt = 0 ;
while ( ! lcd_clicked ( ) ) {
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
cnt + + ;
manage_heater ( ) ;
manage_inactivity ( ) ;
lcd_update ( ) ;
if ( cnt = = 0 )
# if BEEPER > 0
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
delay ( 3 ) ;
delay ( 3 ) ;
# else
lcd_buzz ( 1000 / 6 , 100 ) ;
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
# endif
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
//return to normal
if ( code_seen ( ' L ' ) )
Added a feature to have filament change by gcode or display trigger.
[default off for now]
syntax: M600 X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
if enabled, after a M600, the printer will retract by E, lift by Z, move to XY, retract even more filament.
Oh, and it will display "remove filament" and beep like crazy.
You are then supposed to insert a new filament (other color, e.g.) and click the display to continue.
After having the nozzle cleaned manually, aided by the disabled e-steppers.
After clicking, the printer will then go back the whole shebang, and continue printing with a fancy new color.
12 years ago
target [ E_AXIS ] + = - code_value ( ) ;
# endif
current_position [ E_AXIS ] = target [ E_AXIS ] ; //the long retract of L is compensated by manual filament feeding
plan_set_e_position ( current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( target [ X_AXIS ] , target [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ; //should do nothing
plan_buffer_line ( lastpos [ X_AXIS ] , lastpos [ Y_AXIS ] , target [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ; //move xy back
plan_buffer_line ( lastpos [ X_AXIS ] , lastpos [ Y_AXIS ] , lastpos [ Z_AXIS ] , target [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ; //move z back
plan_buffer_line ( lastpos [ X_AXIS ] , lastpos [ Y_AXIS ] , lastpos [ Z_AXIS ] , lastpos [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ; //final untretract
break ;
case 907 : // M907 Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes.
# if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) digipot_current ( i , code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) digipot_current ( 4 , code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < = 4 ; i + + ) digipot_current ( i , code_value ( ) ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 908 : // M908 Control digital trimpot directly.
# if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1
uint8_t channel , current ;
if ( code_seen ( ' P ' ) ) channel = code_value ( ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) current = code_value ( ) ;
digitalPotWrite ( channel , current ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 350 : // M350 Set microstepping mode. Warning: Steps per unit remains unchanged. S code sets stepping mode for all drivers.
# if defined(X_MS1_PIN) && X_MS1_PIN > -1
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < = 4 ; i + + ) microstep_mode ( i , code_value ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) microstep_mode ( i , ( uint8_t ) code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) microstep_mode ( 4 , code_value ( ) ) ;
microstep_readings ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 351 : // M351 Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly, S# determines MS1 or MS2, X# sets the pin high/low.
# if defined(X_MS1_PIN) && X_MS1_PIN > -1
if ( code_seen ( ' S ' ) ) switch ( ( int ) code_value ( ) )
case 1 :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) microstep_ms ( i , code_value ( ) , - 1 ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) microstep_ms ( 4 , code_value ( ) , - 1 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) ) microstep_ms ( i , - 1 , code_value ( ) ) ;
if ( code_seen ( ' B ' ) ) microstep_ms ( 4 , - 1 , code_value ( ) ) ;
break ;
microstep_readings ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
case 999 : // M999: Restart after being stopped
Stopped = false ;
lcd_reset_alert_level ( ) ;
gcode_LastN = Stopped_gcode_LastN ;
FlushSerialRequestResend ( ) ;
break ;
else if ( code_seen ( ' T ' ) )
tmp_extruder = code_value ( ) ;
if ( tmp_extruder > = EXTRUDERS ) {
SERIAL_ECHO ( " T " ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( tmp_extruder ) ;
else {
boolean make_move = false ;
if ( code_seen ( ' F ' ) ) {
make_move = true ;
next_feedrate = code_value ( ) ;
if ( next_feedrate > 0.0 ) {
feedrate = next_feedrate ;
# if EXTRUDERS > 1
if ( tmp_extruder ! = active_extruder ) {
// Save current position to return to after applying extruder offset
memcpy ( destination , current_position , sizeof ( destination ) ) ;
// Offset extruder (only by XY)
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
current_position [ i ] = current_position [ i ] -
extruder_offset [ i ] [ active_extruder ] +
extruder_offset [ i ] [ tmp_extruder ] ;
// Set the new active extruder and position
active_extruder = tmp_extruder ;
plan_set_position ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] , current_position [ E_AXIS ] ) ;
// Move to the old position if 'F' was in the parameters
if ( make_move & & Stopped = = false ) {
prepare_move ( ) ;
# endif
SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN ( ( int ) active_extruder ) ;
SERIAL_ECHO ( cmdbuffer [ bufindr ] ) ;
ClearToSend ( ) ;
void FlushSerialRequestResend ( )
//char cmdbuffer[bufindr][100]="Resend:";
MYSERIAL . flush ( ) ;
SERIAL_PROTOCOLLN ( gcode_LastN + 1 ) ;
ClearToSend ( ) ;
void ClearToSend ( )
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
if ( fromsd [ bufindr ] )
return ;
# endif //SDSUPPORT
void get_coordinates ( )
bool seen [ 4 ] = { false , false , false , false } ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
if ( code_seen ( axis_codes [ i ] ) )
destination [ i ] = ( float ) code_value ( ) + ( axis_relative_modes [ i ] | | relative_mode ) * current_position [ i ] ;
seen [ i ] = true ;
else destination [ i ] = current_position [ i ] ; //Are these else lines really needed?
if ( code_seen ( ' F ' ) ) {
next_feedrate = code_value ( ) ;
if ( next_feedrate > 0.0 ) feedrate = next_feedrate ;
if ( autoretract_enabled )
if ( ! ( seen [ X_AXIS ] | | seen [ Y_AXIS ] | | seen [ Z_AXIS ] ) & & seen [ E_AXIS ] )
float echange = destination [ E_AXIS ] - current_position [ E_AXIS ] ;
if ( echange < - MIN_RETRACT ) //retract
if ( ! retracted )
destination [ Z_AXIS ] + = retract_zlift ; //not sure why chaninging current_position negatively does not work.
//if slicer retracted by echange=-1mm and you want to retract 3mm, corrrectede=-2mm additionally
float correctede = - echange - retract_length ;
//to generate the additional steps, not the destination is changed, but inversely the current position
current_position [ E_AXIS ] + = - correctede ;
feedrate = retract_feedrate ;
retracted = true ;
if ( echange > MIN_RETRACT ) //retract_recover
if ( retracted )
//if slicer retracted_recovered by echange=+1mm and you want to retract_recover 3mm, corrrectede=2mm additionally
float correctede = - echange + 1 * retract_length + retract_recover_length ; //total unretract=retract_length+retract_recover_length[surplus]
current_position [ E_AXIS ] + = correctede ; //to generate the additional steps, not the destination is changed, but inversely the current position
feedrate = retract_recover_feedrate ;
retracted = false ;
# endif //FWRETRACT
void get_arc_coordinates ( )
# ifdef SF_ARC_FIX
bool relative_mode_backup = relative_mode ;
relative_mode = true ;
# endif
get_coordinates ( ) ;
# ifdef SF_ARC_FIX
relative_mode = relative_mode_backup ;
# endif
if ( code_seen ( ' I ' ) ) {
offset [ 0 ] = code_value ( ) ;
else {
offset [ 0 ] = 0.0 ;
if ( code_seen ( ' J ' ) ) {
offset [ 1 ] = code_value ( ) ;
else {
offset [ 1 ] = 0.0 ;
void clamp_to_software_endstops ( float target [ 3 ] )
if ( min_software_endstops ) {
if ( target [ X_AXIS ] < min_pos [ X_AXIS ] ) target [ X_AXIS ] = min_pos [ X_AXIS ] ;
if ( target [ Y_AXIS ] < min_pos [ Y_AXIS ] ) target [ Y_AXIS ] = min_pos [ Y_AXIS ] ;
if ( target [ Z_AXIS ] < min_pos [ Z_AXIS ] ) target [ Z_AXIS ] = min_pos [ Z_AXIS ] ;
if ( max_software_endstops ) {
if ( target [ X_AXIS ] > max_pos [ X_AXIS ] ) target [ X_AXIS ] = max_pos [ X_AXIS ] ;
if ( target [ Y_AXIS ] > max_pos [ Y_AXIS ] ) target [ Y_AXIS ] = max_pos [ Y_AXIS ] ;
if ( target [ Z_AXIS ] > max_pos [ Z_AXIS ] ) target [ Z_AXIS ] = max_pos [ Z_AXIS ] ;
# ifdef DELTA
void calculate_delta ( float cartesian [ 3 ] )
delta [ X_AXIS ] = sqrt ( sq ( DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER1_X - cartesian [ X_AXIS ] )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER1_Y - cartesian [ Y_AXIS ] )
) + cartesian [ Z_AXIS ] ;
delta [ Y_AXIS ] = sqrt ( sq ( DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER2_X - cartesian [ X_AXIS ] )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER2_Y - cartesian [ Y_AXIS ] )
) + cartesian [ Z_AXIS ] ;
delta [ Z_AXIS ] = sqrt ( sq ( DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER3_X - cartesian [ X_AXIS ] )
- sq ( DELTA_TOWER3_Y - cartesian [ Y_AXIS ] )
) + cartesian [ Z_AXIS ] ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " cartesian x= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( cartesian [ X_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " y= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( cartesian [ Y_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " z= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHOLN ( cartesian [ Z_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " delta x= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( delta [ X_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " y= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHO ( delta [ Y_AXIS ] ) ;
SERIAL_ECHOPGM ( " z= " ) ; SERIAL_ECHOLN ( delta [ Z_AXIS ] ) ;
# endif
void prepare_move ( )
clamp_to_software_endstops ( destination ) ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
# ifdef DELTA
float difference [ NUM_AXIS ] ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
difference [ i ] = destination [ i ] - current_position [ i ] ;
float cartesian_mm = sqrt ( sq ( difference [ X_AXIS ] ) +
sq ( difference [ Y_AXIS ] ) +
sq ( difference [ Z_AXIS ] ) ) ;
if ( cartesian_mm < 0.000001 ) { cartesian_mm = abs ( difference [ E_AXIS ] ) ; }
if ( cartesian_mm < 0.000001 ) { return ; }
float seconds = 6000 * cartesian_mm / feedrate / feedmultiply ;
int steps = max ( 1 , int ( DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND * seconds ) ) ;
// SERIAL_ECHOPGM("mm="); SERIAL_ECHO(cartesian_mm);
// SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" seconds="); SERIAL_ECHO(seconds);
// SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" steps="); SERIAL_ECHOLN(steps);
for ( int s = 1 ; s < = steps ; s + + ) {
float fraction = float ( s ) / float ( steps ) ;
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
destination [ i ] = current_position [ i ] + difference [ i ] * fraction ;
calculate_delta ( destination ) ;
plan_buffer_line ( delta [ X_AXIS ] , delta [ Y_AXIS ] , delta [ Z_AXIS ] ,
destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate * feedmultiply / 60 / 100.0 ,
active_extruder ) ;
# else
// Do not use feedmultiply for E or Z only moves
if ( ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] = = destination [ X_AXIS ] ) & & ( current_position [ Y_AXIS ] = = destination [ Y_AXIS ] ) ) {
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate / 60 , active_extruder ) ;
else {
plan_buffer_line ( destination [ X_AXIS ] , destination [ Y_AXIS ] , destination [ Z_AXIS ] , destination [ E_AXIS ] , feedrate * feedmultiply / 60 / 100.0 , active_extruder ) ;
# endif
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
current_position [ i ] = destination [ i ] ;
void prepare_arc_move ( char isclockwise ) {
float r = hypot ( offset [ X_AXIS ] , offset [ Y_AXIS ] ) ; // Compute arc radius for mc_arc
// Trace the arc
mc_arc ( current_position , destination , offset , X_AXIS , Y_AXIS , Z_AXIS , feedrate * feedmultiply / 60 / 100.0 , r , isclockwise , active_extruder ) ;
// As far as the parser is concerned, the position is now == target. In reality the
// motion control system might still be processing the action and the real tool position
// in any intermediate location.
for ( int8_t i = 0 ; i < NUM_AXIS ; i + + ) {
current_position [ i ] = destination [ i ] ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
# if defined(FAN_PIN)
# error "You cannot set CONTROLLERFAN_PIN equal to FAN_PIN"
# endif
# endif
unsigned long lastMotor = 0 ; //Save the time for when a motor was turned on last
unsigned long lastMotorCheck = 0 ;
void controllerFan ( )
if ( ( millis ( ) - lastMotorCheck ) > = 2500 ) //Not a time critical function, so we only check every 2500ms
lastMotorCheck = millis ( ) ;
if ( ! READ ( X_ENABLE_PIN ) | | ! READ ( Y_ENABLE_PIN ) | | ! READ ( Z_ENABLE_PIN )
# if EXTRUDERS > 2
| | ! READ ( E2_ENABLE_PIN )
# endif
# if EXTRUDER > 1
| | ! READ ( E1_ENABLE_PIN )
# endif
| | ! READ ( E0_ENABLE_PIN ) ) //If any of the drivers are enabled...
lastMotor = millis ( ) ; //... set time to NOW so the fan will turn on
if ( ( millis ( ) - lastMotor ) > = ( CONTROLLERFAN_SECS * 1000UL ) | | lastMotor = = 0 ) //If the last time any driver was enabled, is longer since than CONTROLLERSEC...
digitalWrite ( CONTROLLERFAN_PIN , 0 ) ;
analogWrite ( CONTROLLERFAN_PIN , 0 ) ;
// allows digital or PWM fan output to be used (see M42 handling)
# endif
void manage_inactivity ( )
if ( ( millis ( ) - previous_millis_cmd ) > max_inactive_time )
if ( max_inactive_time )
kill ( ) ;
if ( stepper_inactive_time ) {
if ( ( millis ( ) - previous_millis_cmd ) > stepper_inactive_time )
if ( blocks_queued ( ) = = false ) {
disable_x ( ) ;
disable_y ( ) ;
disable_z ( ) ;
disable_e0 ( ) ;
disable_e1 ( ) ;
disable_e2 ( ) ;
# if defined(KILL_PIN) && KILL_PIN > -1
if ( 0 = = READ ( KILL_PIN ) )
kill ( ) ;
# endif
controllerFan ( ) ; //Check if fan should be turned on to cool stepper drivers down
# endif
if ( ( millis ( ) - previous_millis_cmd ) > EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_SECONDS * 1000 )
if ( degHotend ( active_extruder ) > EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_MINTEMP )
bool oldstatus = READ ( E0_ENABLE_PIN ) ;
enable_e0 ( ) ;
float oldepos = current_position [ E_AXIS ] ;
float oldedes = destination [ E_AXIS ] ;
plan_buffer_line ( current_position [ X_AXIS ] , current_position [ Y_AXIS ] , current_position [ Z_AXIS ] ,
current_position [ E_AXIS ] + EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_EXTRUDE * EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_ESTEPS / axis_steps_per_unit [ E_AXIS ] ,
EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_SPEED / 60. * EXTRUDER_RUNOUT_ESTEPS / axis_steps_per_unit [ E_AXIS ] , active_extruder ) ;
current_position [ E_AXIS ] = oldepos ;
destination [ E_AXIS ] = oldedes ;
plan_set_e_position ( oldepos ) ;
previous_millis_cmd = millis ( ) ;
st_synchronize ( ) ;
WRITE ( E0_ENABLE_PIN , oldstatus ) ;
# endif
check_axes_activity ( ) ;
void kill ( )
cli ( ) ; // Stop interrupts
disable_heater ( ) ;
disable_x ( ) ;
disable_y ( ) ;
disable_z ( ) ;
disable_e0 ( ) ;
disable_e1 ( ) ;
disable_e2 ( ) ;
# if defined(PS_ON_PIN) && PS_ON_PIN > -1
pinMode ( PS_ON_PIN , INPUT ) ;
# endif
suicide ( ) ;
while ( 1 ) { /* Intentionally left empty */ } // Wait for reset
void Stop ( )
disable_heater ( ) ;
if ( Stopped = = false ) {
Stopped = true ;
Stopped_gcode_LastN = gcode_LastN ; // Save last g_code for restart
bool IsStopped ( ) { return Stopped ; } ;
# ifdef FAST_PWM_FAN
void setPwmFrequency ( uint8_t pin , int val )
val & = 0x07 ;
switch ( digitalPinToTimer ( pin ) )
# if defined(TCCR0A)
case TIMER0A :
case TIMER0B :
// TCCR0B &= ~(_BV(CS00) | _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS02));
// TCCR0B |= val;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR1A)
case TIMER1A :
case TIMER1B :
// TCCR1B &= ~(_BV(CS10) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS12));
// TCCR1B |= val;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR2)
case TIMER2 :
case TIMER2 :
TCCR2 & = ~ ( _BV ( CS10 ) | _BV ( CS11 ) | _BV ( CS12 ) ) ;
TCCR2 | = val ;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR2A)
case TIMER2A :
case TIMER2B :
TCCR2B & = ~ ( _BV ( CS20 ) | _BV ( CS21 ) | _BV ( CS22 ) ) ;
TCCR2B | = val ;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR3A)
case TIMER3A :
case TIMER3B :
case TIMER3C :
TCCR3B & = ~ ( _BV ( CS30 ) | _BV ( CS31 ) | _BV ( CS32 ) ) ;
TCCR3B | = val ;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR4A)
case TIMER4A :
case TIMER4B :
case TIMER4C :
TCCR4B & = ~ ( _BV ( CS40 ) | _BV ( CS41 ) | _BV ( CS42 ) ) ;
TCCR4B | = val ;
break ;
# endif
# if defined(TCCR5A)
case TIMER5A :
case TIMER5B :
case TIMER5C :
TCCR5B & = ~ ( _BV ( CS50 ) | _BV ( CS51 ) | _BV ( CS52 ) ) ;
TCCR5B | = val ;
break ;
# endif
# endif //FAST_PWM_FAN
bool setTargetedHotend ( int code ) {
tmp_extruder = active_extruder ;
if ( code_seen ( ' T ' ) ) {
tmp_extruder = code_value ( ) ;
if ( tmp_extruder > = EXTRUDERS ) {
switch ( code ) {
case 104 :
break ;
case 105 :
break ;
case 109 :
break ;
case 218 :
break ;
SERIAL_ECHOLN ( tmp_extruder ) ;
return true ;
return false ;