Terminix is now tilix

noctuid 8 years ago
parent 099a4149d6
commit 37224947e5

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ These terminals have been tested with tdrop and support the =-s= and =-a= flags
- Terminology
- Sakura
- Roxterm
- Terminix (-s will not work if the terminix process is already running)
- Tilix (previously terminix)
- st (-s does not work)
- Alacritty
- xiate
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Necessary features don't work on many window managers, including mine.
* Why Not Use wmutils?
Maybe in the future. The only advantage I can see over xdotool is that it can toggle mapping (=mapw -t=), but this wouldn't be used in this script anyway since different code is executed depending on whether or not the window is mapped or unmapped. Also the command names are somewhat cryptic.
* Similar:
* Similar
- [[https://github.com/lharding/lsh-bin/blob/master/drawer][drawer]]
* Troubleshooting

@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ create_win_return_wid() {
# (for programs where one pid shares all wids)
blacklist=$(xdotool search --classname "$program")
# for programs where $! won't always work (e.g. one pid for all windows)
if [[ $program =~ ^(terminix|xfce4-terminal)$ ]]; then
if [[ $program =~ ^(tilix|xfce4-terminal)$ ]]; then
pid=$(pgrep -x "$program")
elif [[ $program == urxvtc ]]; then
blacklist=$(xdotool search --classname urxvtd)
@ -552,8 +552,6 @@ program_start() {
tmux new-session -s $session_name'"
if [[ $program =~ ^(urxvt|alacritty|xiatec$) ]]; then
program_command="$program_command -e bash -c $tmux_command"
elif [[ $program == terminix ]]; then
program_command="$program_command -x \"bash -c $tmux_command\""
program_command="$program_command -e \"bash -c $tmux_command\""
