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614 lines
41 KiB

5 years ago
/* Generated by the Nim Compiler v1.0.4 */
/* (c) 2019 Andreas Rumpf */
var framePtr = null;
var excHandler = 0;
var lastJSError = null;
if (typeof Int8Array === 'undefined') Int8Array = Array;
if (typeof Int16Array === 'undefined') Int16Array = Array;
if (typeof Int32Array === 'undefined') Int32Array = Array;
if (typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined') Uint8Array = Array;
if (typeof Uint16Array === 'undefined') Uint16Array = Array;
if (typeof Uint32Array === 'undefined') Uint32Array = Array;
if (typeof Float32Array === 'undefined') Float32Array = Array;
if (typeof Float64Array === 'undefined') Float64Array = Array;
var NTI47442 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI47446 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI44006 = {size: 0,kind: 31,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI65156 = {size: 0, kind: 18, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI47408 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI47514 = {size: 0,kind: 22,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI44016 = {size: 0,kind: 40,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI44040 = {size: 0,kind: 28,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI44042 = {size: 0,kind: 29,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI47508 = {size: 0,kind: 22,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};
var NTI47426 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI47428 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NTI47458 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
var NNI47458 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
NTI47458.node = NNI47458;
var NNI47428 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
NTI47428.node = NNI47428;
NTI47508.base = NTI47426;
NTI47514.base = NTI47426;
var NNI47426 = {kind: 2, len: 6, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "parent", len: 0, typ: NTI47508, name: "parent", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "name", len: 0, typ: NTI44042, name: "name", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "message", len: 0, typ: NTI44040, name: "msg", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "trace", len: 0, typ: NTI44040, name: "trace", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "raiseId", len: 0, typ: NTI44016, name: "raiseId", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "up", len: 0, typ: NTI47514, name: "up", sons: null}]};
NTI47426.node = NNI47426;
var NNI47408 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
NTI47408.node = NNI47408;
NTI47426.base = NTI47408;
NTI47428.base = NTI47426;
NTI47458.base = NTI47428;
var NNI65156 = {kind: 2, len: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "Field0", len: 0, typ: NTI44042, name: "Field0", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "Field1", len: 0, typ: NTI44006, name: "Field1", sons: null}]};
NTI65156.node = NNI65156;
var NNI47446 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
NTI47446.node = NNI47446;
var NNI47442 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
NTI47442.node = NNI47442;
NTI47442.base = NTI47428;
NTI47446.base = NTI47442;
function makeNimstrLit(c_67270) {
var ln = c_67270.length;
var result = new Array(ln);
for (var i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
result[i] = c_67270.charCodeAt(i);
return result;
function cstrToNimstr(c_67287) {
var ln = c_67287.length;
var result = new Array(ln);
var r = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
var ch = c_67287.charCodeAt(i);
if (ch < 128) {
result[r] = ch;
else {
if (ch < 2048) {
result[r] = (ch >> 6) | 192;
else {
if (ch < 55296 || ch >= 57344) {
result[r] = (ch >> 12) | 224;
else {
ch = 65536 + (((ch & 1023) << 10) | (c_67287.charCodeAt(i) & 1023));
result[r] = (ch >> 18) | 240;
result[r] = ((ch >> 12) & 63) | 128;
result[r] = ((ch >> 6) & 63) | 128;
result[r] = (ch & 63) | 128;
return result;
function setConstr() {
var result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var x = arguments[i];
if (typeof(x) == "object") {
for (var j = x[0]; j <= x[1]; ++j) {
result[j] = true;
} else {
result[x] = true;
return result;
var ConstSet1 = setConstr(17, 16, 4, 18, 27, 19, 23, 22, 21);
function nimCopy(dest_68827, src_68828, ti_68829) {
var result_69019 = null;
switch (ti_68829.kind) {
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 5:
if (!(is_fat_pointer_68801(ti_68829))) {
result_69019 = src_68828;
else {
result_69019 = [src_68828[0], src_68828[1]];
case 19:
if (dest_68827 === null || dest_68827 === undefined) {
dest_68827 = {};
else {
for (var key in dest_68827) { delete dest_68827[key]; }
for (var key in src_68828) { dest_68827[key] = src_68828[key]; }
result_69019 = dest_68827;
case 18:
case 17:
if (!((ti_68829.base == null))) {
result_69019 = nimCopy(dest_68827, src_68828, ti_68829.base);
else {
if ((ti_68829.kind == 17)) {
result_69019 = (dest_68827 === null || dest_68827 === undefined) ? {m_type: ti_68829} : dest_68827;
else {
result_69019 = (dest_68827 === null || dest_68827 === undefined) ? {} : dest_68827;
nimCopyAux(result_69019, src_68828, ti_68829.node);
case 24:
case 4:
case 27:
case 16:
if (src_68828 === null) {
result_69019 = null;
else {
if (dest_68827 === null || dest_68827 === undefined) {
dest_68827 = new Array(src_68828.length);
else {
dest_68827.length = src_68828.length;
result_69019 = dest_68827;
for (var i = 0; i < src_68828.length; ++i) {
result_69019[i] = nimCopy(result_69019[i], src_68828[i], ti_68829.base);
case 28:
if (src_68828 !== null) {
result_69019 = src_68828.slice(0);
result_69019 = src_68828;
return result_69019;
function arrayConstr(len_69086, value_69087, typ_69088) {
var result = new Array(len_69086);
for (var i = 0; i < len_69086; ++i) result[i] = nimCopy(null, value_69087, typ_69088);
return result;
function toJSStr(s_67304) {
var Tmp5;
var Tmp7;
var result_67305 = null;
var res_67363 = new_seq_67336((s_67304 != null ? s_67304.length : 0));
var i_67365 = 0;
var j_67367 = 0;
L1: do {
L2: while (true) {
if (!(i_67365 < (s_67304 != null ? s_67304.length : 0))) break L2;
var c_67368 = s_67304[i_67365];
if ((c_67368 < 128)) {
res_67363[j_67367] = String.fromCharCode(c_67368);
i_67365 += 1;
else {
var helper_67391 = new_seq_67336(0);
L3: do {
L4: while (true) {
if (!true) break L4;
var code_67392 = c_67368.toString(16);
if (((code_67392 != null ? code_67392.length : 0) == 1)) {
if (helper_67391 != null) { helper_67391.push("%0"); } else { helper_67391 = ["%0"]; };
else {
if (helper_67391 != null) { helper_67391.push("%"); } else { helper_67391 = ["%"]; };
if (helper_67391 != null) { helper_67391.push(code_67392); } else { helper_67391 = [code_67392]; };
i_67365 += 1;
if (((s_67304 != null ? s_67304.length : 0) <= i_67365)) Tmp5 = true; else { Tmp5 = (s_67304[i_67365] < 128); } if (Tmp5) {
break L3;
c_67368 = s_67304[i_67365];
} while(false);
Tmp7 = framePtr;
try {
res_67363[j_67367] = decodeURIComponent(helper_67391.join(""));
} catch (EXC) {
var prevJSError = lastJSError;
lastJSError = EXC;
framePtr = Tmp7;
res_67363[j_67367] = helper_67391.join("");
lastJSError = prevJSError;
} finally {
framePtr = Tmp7;
j_67367 += 1;
} while(false);
if (res_67363 === null) res_67363 = [];
if (res_67363.length < j_67367) { for (var i=res_67363.length;i<j_67367;++i) res_67363.push(null); }
else { res_67363.length = j_67367; };
result_67305 = res_67363.join("");
return result_67305;
function raiseException(e_65618, ename_65619) { = ename_65619;
if ((excHandler == 0)) {
e_65618.trace = nimCopy(null, raw_write_stack_trace_65468(), NTI44040);
throw e_65618;
function chckIndx(i_69105, a_69106, b_69107) {
var Tmp1;
var result_69108 = 0;
BeforeRet: do {
if (!(a_69106 <= i_69105)) Tmp1 = false; else { Tmp1 = (i_69105 <= b_69107); } if (Tmp1) {
result_69108 = i_69105;
break BeforeRet;
else {
raiseIndexError(i_69105, a_69106, b_69107);
} while (false);
return result_69108;
function rawEcho() {
var buf = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
buf += toJSStr(arguments[i]);
function mnewString(len_67463) {
return new Array(len_67463);
function nimCharToStr(x_65062) {
var result_65063 = null;
result_65063 = nimCopy(null, mnewString(1), NTI44040);
result_65063[0] = x_65062;
return result_65063;
function addChar(x_69311, c_69312) {
function addInt(a_67803, b_67804) {
var result = a_67803 + b_67804;
if (result > 2147483647 || result < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
return result;
var nim_program_result = 0;
var global_raise_hook_62618 = [null];
var local_raise_hook_62623 = [null];
var out_of_mem_hook_62626 = [null];
if (!Math.trunc) {
Math.trunc = function(v) {
v = +v;
if (!isFinite(v)) return v;
return (v - v % 1) || (v < 0 ? -0 : v === 0 ? v : 0);
function is_fat_pointer_68801(ti_68803) {
var result_68804 = false;
BeforeRet: do {
result_68804 = !((ConstSet1[ti_68803.base.kind] != undefined));
break BeforeRet;
} while (false);
return result_68804;
function nimCopyAux(dest_68832, src_68833, n_68835) {
switch (n_68835.kind) {
case 0:
case 1:
dest_68832[n_68835.offset] = nimCopy(dest_68832[n_68835.offset], src_68833[n_68835.offset], n_68835.typ);
case 2:
for (var i = 0; i < n_68835.sons.length; i++) {
nimCopyAux(dest_68832, src_68833, n_68835.sons[i]);
case 3:
dest_68832[n_68835.offset] = nimCopy(dest_68832[n_68835.offset], src_68833[n_68835.offset], n_68835.typ);
for (var i = 0; i < n_68835.sons.length; ++i) {
nimCopyAux(dest_68832, src_68833, n_68835.sons[i][1]);
function add_62638(x_62641, x_62641_Idx, y_62642) {
if (x_62641[x_62641_Idx] === null) { x_62641[x_62641_Idx] = []; }
var off = x_62641[x_62641_Idx].length;
x_62641[x_62641_Idx].length += y_62642.length;
for (var i = 0; i < y_62642.length; ++i) {
x_62641[x_62641_Idx][off+i] = y_62642.charCodeAt(i);
function aux_write_stack_trace_65151(f_65153) {
var Tmp3;
var result_65154 = [null];
var it_65162 = f_65153;
var i_65164 = 0;
var total_65166 = 0;
var temp_frames_65173 = arrayConstr(64, {Field0: null, Field1: 0}, NTI65156);
L1: do {
L2: while (true) {
if (!!((it_65162 == null))) Tmp3 = false; else { Tmp3 = (i_65164 <= 63); } if (!Tmp3) break L2;
temp_frames_65173[i_65164].Field0 = it_65162.procname;
temp_frames_65173[i_65164].Field1 = it_65162.line;
i_65164 += 1;
total_65166 += 1;
it_65162 = it_65162.prev;
} while(false);
L4: do {
L5: while (true) {
if (!!((it_65162 == null))) break L5;
total_65166 += 1;
it_65162 = it_65162.prev;
} while(false);
result_65154[0] = nimCopy(null, [], NTI44040);
if (!((total_65166 == i_65164))) {
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit("(")); } else { result_65154[0] = makeNimstrLit("("); };
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(cstrToNimstr(((total_65166 - i_65164))+"")); } else { result_65154[0] = cstrToNimstr(((total_65166 - i_65164))+"").slice(); };
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit(" calls omitted) ...\x0A")); } else { result_65154[0] = makeNimstrLit(" calls omitted) ...\x0A"); };
L6: do {
var j_65421 = 0;
var colontmp__89086 = 0;
colontmp__89086 = (i_65164 - 1);
var res_89091 = colontmp__89086;
L7: do {
L8: while (true) {
if (!(0 <= res_89091)) break L8;
j_65421 = res_89091;
add_62638(result_65154, 0, temp_frames_65173[j_65421].Field0);
if ((0 < temp_frames_65173[j_65421].Field1)) {
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit(", line: ")); } else { result_65154[0] = makeNimstrLit(", line: "); };
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(cstrToNimstr((temp_frames_65173[j_65421].Field1)+"")); } else { result_65154[0] = cstrToNimstr((temp_frames_65173[j_65421].Field1)+"").slice(); };
if (result_65154[0] != null) { result_65154[0] = (result_65154[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit("\x0A")); } else { result_65154[0] = makeNimstrLit("\x0A"); };
res_89091 -= 1;
} while(false);
} while(false);
return result_65154[0];
function raw_write_stack_trace_65468() {
var result_65470 = null;
if (!((framePtr == null))) {
result_65470 = nimCopy(null, (makeNimstrLit("Traceback (most recent call last)\x0A") || []).concat(aux_write_stack_trace_65151(framePtr) || []), NTI44040);
else {
result_65470 = nimCopy(null, makeNimstrLit("No stack traceback available\x0A"), NTI44040);
return result_65470;
function new_seq_67336(len_67339) {
var result_67341 = null;
var F={procname:"newSeq.newSeq",prev:framePtr,filename:"system.nim",line:0};
framePtr = F;
F.line = 997;
result_67341 = new Array(len_67339); for (var i=0;i<len_67339;++i) {result_67341[i]=null;} framePtr = F.prev;
return result_67341;
function unhandledException(e_65529) {
var buf_65530 = [[]];
if (!(((e_65529.message != null ? e_65529.message.length : 0) == 0))) {
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception: ")); } else { buf_65530[0] = makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception: "); };
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(e_65529.message); } else { buf_65530[0] = e_65529.message.slice(); };
else {
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception")); } else { buf_65530[0] = makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception"); };
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit(" [")); } else { buf_65530[0] = makeNimstrLit(" ["); };
add_62638(buf_65530, 0,;
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(makeNimstrLit("]\x0A")); } else { buf_65530[0] = makeNimstrLit("]\x0A"); };
if (buf_65530[0] != null) { buf_65530[0] = (buf_65530[0]).concat(raw_write_stack_trace_65468()); } else { buf_65530[0] = raw_write_stack_trace_65468().slice(); };
var cbuf_65601 = toJSStr(buf_65530[0]);
framePtr = null;
if (typeof(Error) !== "undefined") {
throw new Error(cbuf_65601);
else {
throw cbuf_65601;
function raiseIndexError(i_66655, a_66656, b_66657) {
var Tmp1;
var eHEX60gensym66802_67003 = null;
eHEX60gensym66802_67003 = {m_type: NTI47458, parent: null, name: null, message: null, trace: null, raiseId: 0, up: null};
if ((b_66657 < a_66656)) {
Tmp1 = makeNimstrLit("index out of bounds, the container is empty");
else {
Tmp1 = (makeNimstrLit("index ") || []).concat(cstrToNimstr((i_66655)+"") || [],makeNimstrLit(" not in ") || [],cstrToNimstr((a_66656)+"") || [],makeNimstrLit(" .. ") || [],cstrToNimstr((b_66657)+"") || []);
eHEX60gensym66802_67003.message = nimCopy(null, Tmp1, NTI44040);
eHEX60gensym66802_67003.parent = null;
raiseException(eHEX60gensym66802_67003, "IndexError");
function raiseOverflow() {
var eHEX60gensym66058_66203 = null;
eHEX60gensym66058_66203 = {m_type: NTI47446, parent: null, name: null, message: null, trace: null, raiseId: 0, up: null};
eHEX60gensym66058_66203.message = nimCopy(null, makeNimstrLit("over- or underflow"), NTI44040);
eHEX60gensym66058_66203.parent = null;
raiseException(eHEX60gensym66058_66203, "OverflowError");
function get_routes(url_89034) {
var Tmp4;
var F={procname:"router.get_routes",prev:framePtr,filename:"router.nim",line:0};
framePtr = F;
F.line = 11;
var new_url_89035 = [];
L1: do {
F.line = 13;
var c_89036 = 0;
F.line = 45;
var i_89072 = 0;
F.line = 46;
var l_89073 = (url_89034 != null ? url_89034.length : 0);
L2: do {
F.line = 47;
L3: while (true) {
if (!(i_89072 < l_89073)) break L3;
F.line = 13;
c_89036 = url_89034.charCodeAt(chckIndx(i_89072, 0, (url_89034 != null ? url_89034.length : 0)+0-1)-0);
F.line = 14;
F.line = 15;
if (new_url_89035 != null) { addChar(new_url_89035, c_89036); } else { new_url_89035 = [c_89036]; };
F.line = 49;
i_89072 = addInt(i_89072, 1);
} while(false);
} while(false);
F.line = 17;
F.line = 19;
F.line = 19;
switch (toJSStr(new_url_89035)) {
case "#/predseda":
Tmp4 = makeNimstrLit("<section class=\"row fullheight\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"cross menu-btn\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu1.svg\" class=\"idle\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu2.svg\" class=\"active\">\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"logo\">\x0A\x09\x09<a href=\"\"><img src=\"img/logo.png\"></a>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"horizontal-menu\">\x0A\x09\x09<span>Povinnosti:</span>\x0A\x09\x09<a>V\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1va</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Spolkov\xC3\xA1 m\xC3\xADstnost</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Akce a nahla\xC5\xA1ov\xC3\xA1n\xC3\xAD akc\xC3\xAD</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Odkazy a inspirace</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Dal\xC5\xA1\xC3\xAD spolky</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>P\xC5\x99edpisy a pravidla</a>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"row\" style=\"width: 100%\">\x0A\x09\x09<section class=\"col-1\"></section>\x0A\x09\x09<section class=\"col-5\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div style=\"margin-top: 23vh\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<h1 style=\"margin-bottom: 5vh\">P\xC5\x99edseda spolku</h1>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<hr class=\"gay-hr\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<h6 style=\"line-height: 1.4; margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09Provedeme t\xC4\x9B v\xC5\xA1emi povinnostmi a mo\xC5\xBEnostmi, kter\xC3\xA9 jako p\xC5\x99edseda m\xC3\xA1\xC5\xA1.\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09</h6>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<button type=\"button\" class=\"button primary cool-button\" style=\"margin-top: 1vh; border-radius: 4vw\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\xE2\x86\x93 Zjisti v\xC3\xADce\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09</button>\x0A\x09\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09</section>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 9rem\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-4 bg-circle\">\x0A\x09\x09<h3>V\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1va</h3>\x0A\x09\x09<hr class=\"gay-hr\">\x0A\x09\x09<p style=\"font-size: calc(var(--font-size) / 2); margin-top: 5vh; text-align: justify\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09Ka\xC5\xBEd\xC3\xBD form\xC3\xA1ln\xC3\xAD spolek m\xC3\xA1 povinnost odevzd\xC3\xA1vat ka\xC5\xBEd\xC3\xBD rok 30.4 v\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1vu v\xC4\x8Detn\xC4\x9B zpr\xC3\xA1vy o hospoda\xC5\x99en\xC3\xAD\x0A\x09\x09</p>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 4vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-5 flexy-boi\">\x0A\x09\x09<h5 style=\"margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: -14vw\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09A jak na n\xC3\xAD?\x0A\x09\x09</h5>\x0A\x09\x09<h5 style=\"padding-left: 4vw; margin-top:0\" class=\"text-primary\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09To ti \xC5\x99ekne Ver\xC4\x8Da\x0A\x09\x09<h5>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-5\">\x0A\x09\x09<video class=\"smol-video\" controls>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<source src=\"/img/1566501668807.webm\" type=\"video/webm\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09Your browser is gay.\x0A\x09\x09</video>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-3 side-line\" style=\"line-height: 1\">\x0A\x09\x09<div>\x0A\x09\x09<h6 style=\"margin-bottom: 0\"><b>Hlavn\xC3\xAD body,</b></h6>\x0A\x09\x09<p style=\"margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 2vh; font-size: calc(var(--font-size) / 1.5)\">kter\xC3\xA9 tam nesm\xC3\xAD chyb\xC4\x9Bt jsou:</p>\x0A\x09\x09<div>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col\">\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<span>1.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<p>Po\xC4\x8Det \xC4\x8Dlen\xC5\xAF</p>\x0A\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<span>4.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<p>Souhrn \xC4\x8Dinnosti za minul\xC3\xBD kalend\xC3\xA1\xC5\x99n\xC3\xAD rok</p>\x0A\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div class=\"down\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div class=\"right\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<span>7.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<p>Hospoda\xC5\x99en\xC3\xAD (v\xC3\xBDdaje rozd\xC4\x9Bleny na tyto \xC4\x8D\xC3\xA1sti)</p>\x0A\x09\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<ol type=\"a\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09<li>Projekty a program</li>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09<li>Market
case "#/prebiram":
Tmp4 = makeNimstrLit("<section class=\"row fullheight\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"cross menu-btn\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu1.svg\" class=\"idle\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu2.svg\" class=\"active\">\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A");
case "#/zapojit-se":
Tmp4 = makeNimstrLit("<section class=\"row fullheight\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"cross menu-btn\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu1.svg\" class=\"idle\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu2.svg\" class=\"active\">\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A");
case "#/zalozit-spolek":
Tmp4 = makeNimstrLit("<section class=\"row fullheight\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"cross menu-btn\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu1.svg\" class=\"idle\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu2.svg\" class=\"active\">\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A");
Tmp4 = makeNimstrLit("<section class=\"row fullheight\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"cross menu-btn\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu1.svg\" class=\"idle\">\x0A\x09\x09<img src=\"svg/menu2.svg\" class=\"active\">\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"logo\">\x0A\x09\x09<a href=\"\"><img src=\"img/logo.png\"></a>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"horizontal-menu\">\x0A\x09\x09<span>Povinnosti:</span>\x0A\x09\x09<a>V\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1va</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Spolkov\xC3\xA1 m\xC3\xADstnost</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Akce a nahla\xC5\xA1ov\xC3\xA1n\xC3\xAD akc\xC3\xAD</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Odkazy a inspirace</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>Dal\xC5\xA1\xC3\xAD spolky</a>\x0A\x09\x09<a>P\xC5\x99edpisy a pravidla</a>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"row\" style=\"width: 100%\">\x0A\x09\x09<section class=\"col-1\"></section>\x0A\x09\x09<section class=\"col-5\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div style=\"margin-top: 23vh\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<h1 style=\"margin-bottom: 5vh\">P\xC5\x99edseda spolku</h1>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<hr class=\"gay-hr\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<h6 style=\"line-height: 1.4; margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09Provedeme t\xC4\x9B v\xC5\xA1emi povinnostmi a mo\xC5\xBEnostmi, kter\xC3\xA9 jako p\xC5\x99edseda m\xC3\xA1\xC5\xA1.\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09</h6>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<button type=\"button\" class=\"button primary cool-button\" style=\"margin-top: 1vh; border-radius: 4vw\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\xE2\x86\x93 Zjisti v\xC3\xADce\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09</button>\x0A\x09\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09</section>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 9rem\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-4 bg-circle\">\x0A\x09\x09<h3>V\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1va</h3>\x0A\x09\x09<hr class=\"gay-hr\">\x0A\x09\x09<p style=\"font-size: calc(var(--font-size) / 2); margin-top: 5vh; text-align: justify\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09Ka\xC5\xBEd\xC3\xBD form\xC3\xA1ln\xC3\xAD spolek m\xC3\xA1 povinnost odevzd\xC3\xA1vat ka\xC5\xBEd\xC3\xBD rok 30.4 v\xC3\xBDro\xC4\x8Dn\xC3\xAD zpr\xC3\xA1vu v\xC4\x8Detn\xC4\x9B zpr\xC3\xA1vy o hospoda\xC5\x99en\xC3\xAD\x0A\x09\x09</p>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 4vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-5 flexy-boi\">\x0A\x09\x09<h5 style=\"margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: -14vw\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09A jak na n\xC3\xAD?\x0A\x09\x09</h5>\x0A\x09\x09<h5 style=\"padding-left: 4vw; margin-top:0\" class=\"text-primary\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09To ti \xC5\x99ekne Ver\xC4\x8Da\x0A\x09\x09<h5>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-5\">\x0A\x09\x09<video class=\"smol-video\" controls>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<source src=\"/img/1566501668807.webm\" type=\"video/webm\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09Your browser is gay.\x0A\x09\x09</video>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-3 side-line\" style=\"line-height: 1\">\x0A\x09\x09<div>\x0A\x09\x09<h6 style=\"margin-bottom: 0\"><b>Hlavn\xC3\xAD body,</b></h6>\x0A\x09\x09<p style=\"margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 2vh; font-size: calc(var(--font-size) / 1.5)\">kter\xC3\xA9 tam nesm\xC3\xAD chyb\xC4\x9Bt jsou:</p>\x0A\x09\x09<div>\x0A\x09</div>\x0A</section>\x0A<section class=\"row\" style=\"margin-top: 5vh\">\x0A\x09<div class=\"col-1\"></div>\x0A\x09<div class=\"col\">\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<span>1.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<p>Po\xC4\x8Det \xC4\x8Dlen\xC5\xAF</p>\x0A\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<span>4.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09<p>Souhrn \xC4\x8Dinnosti za minul\xC3\xBD kalend\xC3\xA1\xC5\x99n\xC3\xAD rok</p>\x0A\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09<div class=\"number-gay\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div class=\"down\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09<div class=\"right\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<span>7.</span>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<p>Hospoda\xC5\x99en\xC3\xAD (v\xC3\xBDdaje rozd\xC4\x9Bleny na tyto \xC4\x8D\xC3\xA1sti)</p>\x0A\x09\x09\x09</div>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09<ol type=\"a\">\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09<li>Projekty a program</li>\x0A\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09<li>Market
document.querySelector("#root").innerHTML = toJSStr(Tmp4);
framePtr = F.prev;