 * Rambo pin assignments MODIFIED FOR A4JP

#ifndef __AVR_ATmega2560__
  #error Oops!  Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega 2560' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

// Servo support
#define SERVO0_PIN 22 // Motor header MX1
#define SERVO1_PIN 23 // Motor header MX2
#define SERVO2_PIN 24 // Motor header MX3
#define SERVO3_PIN  5 // PWM header pin 5

  #define SLED_PIN -1

#undef X_MS1_PIN
#undef X_MS2_PIN
#undef Y_MS1_PIN
#undef Y_MS2_PIN
#undef Z_MS1_PIN
#undef Z_MS2_PIN
#undef E0_MS1_PIN
#undef E0_MS2_PIN
#undef E1_MS1_PIN
#undef E1_MS2_PIN

//Fan_2 2


  #define KILL_PIN -1 //was 80 Glen maybe a mistake

#endif // ULTRA_LCD */

  #define BEEPER_PIN 44
  // Pins for DOGM SPI LCD Support
  #define DOGLCD_A0  70
  #define DOGLCD_CS  71
  #define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180

  #define SD_DETECT_PIN -1 // Pin 72 if using easy adapter board

    #define STAT_LED_RED      22
    #define STAT_LED_BLUE     32
#endif // VIKI2/miniVIKI

  //Filip added pin for Filament sensor analog input
  #define FILWIDTH_PIN        3

 * Rambo pin assignments old

#define LARGE_FLASH true
#define X_STEP_PIN    37
#define X_DIR_PIN     48
#define X_MIN_PIN     12
#define X_MAX_PIN     24
#define X_ENABLE_PIN  29
#define X_MS1_PIN     40
#define X_MS2_PIN     41
#define Y_STEP_PIN    36
#define Y_DIR_PIN     49
#define Y_MIN_PIN     11
#define Y_MAX_PIN     23
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN  28
#define Y_MS1_PIN     69
#define Y_MS2_PIN     39
#define Z_STEP_PIN    35
#define Z_DIR_PIN     47
#define Z_MIN_PIN     10
#define Z_MAX_PIN     30
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN  27
#define Z_MS1_PIN     68
#define Z_MS2_PIN     67

#define HEATER_BED_PIN 3
#define TEMP_BED_PIN   7 //2014/02/04  0:T0 / 1:T1 / 2:T2 / 7:T3
#define HEATER_0_PIN   9
#define TEMP_0_PIN     0
#define HEATER_1_PIN   7
#define TEMP_1_PIN    -1
#define HEATER_2_PIN  -1
#define TEMP_2_PIN    -1

#define E0_STEP_PIN   34
#define E0_DIR_PIN    43
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN 26
#define E0_MS1_PIN    65
#define E0_MS2_PIN    66
#define E1_STEP_PIN   33
#define E1_DIR_PIN    42
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN 25
#define E1_MS1_PIN    63
#define E1_MS2_PIN    64

#define DIGIPOTSS_PIN 38
#define DIGIPOT_CHANNELS {4,5,3,0,1} // X Y Z E0 E1 digipot channels to stepper driver mapping

#define SDPOWER       -1
#define SDSS          53
#define LED_PIN       13
#define FAN_PIN        8
#define PS_ON_PIN      4
#define KILL_PIN      -1
#define SUICIDE_PIN   -1 //PIN that has to be turned on right after start, to keep power flowing.
#define FAN_0_PIN      6 //Glen
#define FAN_1_PIN      2 //Glen

// 2015/12/23

#define LCD_PINS_RS     70 //ext2_5
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 71 //ext2_7
#define LCD_PINS_D4     72 ///////Ext2 9 ?
#define LCD_PINS_D5     73 ///////Ext2 11 ?
#define LCD_PINS_D6     74 //ext2_13
#define LCD_PINS_D7     75 ///////Ext2 15 ?
#define BEEPER_PIN      -1

#define BTN_HOME        80 //ext_16
#define BTN_CENTER      81 //ext_14
#define BTN_ENC         BTN_CENTER
#define BTN_RIGHT       82 //ext_12
#define BTN_LEFT        83 //ext_10
#define BTN_UP          84 //ext2_8
#define BTN_DOWN        85 //ext2_6

#define HOME_PIN        BTN_HOME