# Seed Quickstart To get started, clone this repo, and make the following changes: - Rename your crate in `Cargo.toml` (The `name` field under `[Package]`) - Replace both occurances of `appname` (`/appname.js` and `/appname.wasm`) in `index.html` with your crate's name. - Make the same replacement in either `build.sh`, or `build.ps1`, depending on your operating system (`.sh` for Linux, `.ps1` for Windows). You may delete the other one. - If you don't have Rust installed, nightly set up, and wasm-bindgen, [Download it](https://www.rust-lang.org), and run the following commands: `rustup update` `rustup default nightly` `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly` `cargo +nightly install wasm-bindgen-cli` - Run `build.sh` or `build.ps1`, then open `index.html` in a web browser, or use a local server. (Opening the file directly may not work in some browsers.)