class Controller { constructor(model, view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; // Get video code const queryString =; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); let videoToLoad = urlParams.get("v"); let video = document.getElementById("video"); this.loadVideo(videoToLoad).then( function () { video.addEventListener( "loadedmetadata", function () { this.view.videoPlayer.updateVideoDuration(); this.addEventListenersToVideoControls(); this.init(videoToLoad); }.bind(this) ); }.bind(this) ); } init(videoToLoad) { this.loadXml(videoToLoad).then( function (v) { this.view.drawCommentsText(v); this.view.drawCommentsToVideo(v); }.bind(this) ); } // Přidání listenerů addEventListenersToVideoControls() { const video = document.getElementById("video"); const videoControls = document.getElementById("video-controls"); const togleButton = document.getElementById("togglePlayIcon"); videoControls.addEventListener( "click", function (e) { if ( !== videoControls && !== togleButton) { return; } this.view.videoPlayer.togglePlay(); }.bind(this) ); video.addEventListener( "timeupdate", function () { this.view.videoPlayer.updateProgress(); }.bind(this) ); video.addEventListener( "ended", function () { this.view.videoPlayer.showButton(); }.bind(this) ); const seek = document.getElementById("seek"); seek.addEventListener("input", this.view.videoPlayer.skipAhead); } async loadVideo(v) { let video = document.getElementById("video"); video.children[0].src = "./videos/" + v + ".webm"; await video.load(); } async loadXml(v) { var Connect = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Define which file to open and // send the request."GET", "./videos/" + v + ".xml", false); Connect.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); Connect.send(null); // Place the response in an XML document. var TheDocument = Connect.responseText; // Place the root node in an element. // var Customers = TheDocument.childNodes[0]; return this.model.parseXML(TheDocument); } }