board = ["[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]"] player_2 = False Hra = True kolo = 1 winner_2 = None #spuští funkce ve správném pořadí def tah(): Tah = Input_pos() while Input_chack(Tah) == False: Tah = Input_pos() Move(Tah) Show() #zobarí hrací desku def Show(): print(board[0], board[1], board[2], sep="") print(board[3], board[4], board[5], sep="") print(board[6], board[7], board[8], sep="") print("_________") #vrátí array s xy informací o tahu def Input_pos(): player = int(player_2) + 1 print("hráč", player, "hraje") vert = int(input("zadej sloupec (max 3)")) while vert > 3: print("vstup nesmí být větší než 3") vert = int(input("zadej sloupec (max 3)")) hor = int(input("zadej řádek (max 3)")) while hor > 3: hor = int(input("zadej řádek (max 3)")) print("vstup nesmí být větší než 3") tah = [vert, hor] return To_Index(tah) #změní políčko def Move(tah): if Input_chack(tah): if player_2: x = "O" else: x = "X" board[tah] = "[" + x + "]" else: pass #skontroluje platnost vstupu def Input_chack(index): if not board[index] == "[ ]": print("pole je již obsazené") return False else: return True #převede array s xy pozicí do indexu def To_Index(tah): index = tah[0] + ((tah[1] - 1) * 3) - 1 return index #skontroluje zde hráč nevyhrál def Chack(): if board[0] == board[1] and board[0] == board[2] and not board[0] == "[ ]": #123 if board[0] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[3] == board[4] and board[3] == board[5] and not board[3] == "[ ]": #456 if board[3] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[6] == board[7] and board[6] == board[8] and not board[6] == "[ ]": #789 if board[6] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[0] == board[3] and board[0] == board[6] and not board[0] == "[ ]": #147 if board[0] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[1] == board[4] and board[1] == board[7] and not board[1] == "[ ]": #258 if board[1] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[2] == board[5] and board[2] == board[8] and not board[2] == "[ ]": #369 if board[2] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[0] == board[4] and board[0] == board[8] and not board[0] == "[ ]": #159 if board[0] == "[X]": return True else: return False elif board[2] == board[4] and board[2] == board[6] and not board[2] == "[ ]": #357 if board[2] == "[X]": return True else: return False else: return None Show() while Hra: tah() if not Chack() == None: Hra = False if player_2: print("Hráč 2 wyhrál v kole", kolo) else: print("Hráč 1 wyhrál v kole", kolo) player_2 = not player_2 kolo += 1 if kolo > 8: Hra = False print("Hra skončila bez výsledku")